Burnapp | Getting Ahead as an International Student | Buch | 978-0-335-23924-5 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch


Getting Ahead as an International Student

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23924-5
Verlag: Open University Press

"This book provides international students, planning to study at a university in an English speaking country, with knowledge about what they will have to do at university, why they will have to do this and how. The author helpfully bases each chapter on a theme and highlights related theories, learning points and tasks. Individual assignments are covered but an important part of the book is group tasks such as discussions; consequently making it ideal for use in a group context.

The practical advice and guidelines throughout will provide international students with a great head start for university education."

Christine Boomsma, Student, University of Plymouth, UK

"This excellent and easily accessible guide recognises the needs and concerns international students face when starting a university course. It is well laid out in three distinct parts: the university context, the study process and producing assignments with each chapter containing tasks to develop learning in each of these areas.

International students will find this a useful book in understanding the expectations of study at an English speaking university at whatever level they choose to study and as a reference guide to refer to throughout their university education."

Balvinder Bassi, Student, University of Birmingham, UK

- How can I adapt to life at an English speaking university?

- How can I get good grades?

This book unravels the background and culture of English speaking universities. It explains how you will be expected to learn and study in universities in English speaking countries, and how you can develop your skills to excel as an independent learner.

While it is important to understand how to undertake academic tasks like referencing, essay-writing and presenting information, it is also useful to be aware as to why the university requires you to do them.

Each section includes the approaches, methods and applied exercises that will help you to understand and develop your skills. Reflective exercises as well as group tasks are also included to help you develop the study skills that are necessary for successful completion of a course. You are also encouraged to keep a copy of each completed task (in a portfolio) in order to demonstrate the skills you have learned to prospective employers.

Getting Ahead as an International Student is designed for international students studying at any level - foundation level, undergraduate or postgraduate - and using any mode of study including distance-learning.

Visit the accompanying website for further readings and resources linked with this book: www.openup.co.uk/internationalstudents
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Weitere Infos & Material


Aims of this book

Who should use this book

The structure of this book

The methods used in this book

The Learning Portfolio


Critical Incidents

Intended Learning Outcomes

Introduction to Part One: The university context

Chapter 1. What are English-speaking universities like?

Theme: Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

Research into international students’ adaptation

Support Services


Careers Services


Chapter 2. What sort of changes will I need to make?

Theme: Culture

Learning Styles

Previous experiences

The requirements of the situation

Personal preferences

What a UK university degree involves

Chapter 3. What sort of things will I have to do?

Theme: Adaptation

A day in the life

Students’ Unions


Self Management

Doing Sport and healthy living

Culture shock

Looking forward: ethnography

Chapter 4. What sort of assessments will I have?

Theme: Assessment

The Principles of Assessment

Different approaches to assessments

Types of assessment

Introduction to Part Two: The Study Process

Chapter 5. Starting Out: what do I already know?

Theme: Development

Approaches: 1 Transmission versus Constructivist learning

Approaches: 2 Reflective Learning

Methods: 1 Discussions

Methods: 2 Portfolios

Skills: 1 Discussion skills

Skills: 2 Objective and subjective writing

Chapter 6. How can I understand my topic?

Theme: Corporate Social Responsibility

Approaches: 1 Extensive reading

Approaches: 2 Learning involves ongoing Autonomous Discovery

Methods: 1 Finding texts for extensive reading

Methods: 2 Time Management and Planning

Skills: 1 Skimming & Surveying

Skills: 2 Scanning

Skills: 3 Note taking

Chapter 7. How do these ideas connect?

Theme: Eco-tourism

Approaches: 1 Bloom’s Taxonomy

Approaches: 2 Making connections

Methods: 1 Writing summaries and paraphrases

Methods: 2 Lecture Note-taking

Skills: 1 Glossaries

Skills: 2 Connecting ideas from reading and lectures

Skills: 3 Discourse Markers

Chapter 8. Group working: what do other people think?

Theme: Human Resource Management – staff training

Approaches: 1 Working in teams

Approaches: 2 The need for primary research

Methods: 1 Group work

Methods: 2 What is meant by quantitative research?

Methods: 3 What is meant by qualitative research?

Skills: 1 Questionnaire Design

Skills: 2 Interview schedules

Introduction to Part Three: Producing assignments

Chapter 9. What do I have to do to excel in my assessments?

Theme: Brand Management

Approaches: 1 Bloom’s Taxonomy (Application and Analysis)

Approaches:2 Process approach to planning assignments

Methods: 1 Analysing Assignment titles

Methods: 2 Creating Research Questions

Methods: 3 What is the literature?

Methods: 4 Changing research questions into a research plan

Skills: 1 Evaluation of internet websites and media sources

Skills: 2 Deep reading

Chapter 10. What is critical awareness and how can I show it in my work?

Theme: Reviewing the themes of Motivation, CSR, & Brand Management

Approaches: 1 Bloom’s Taxonomy (Synthesis & Evaluation)

Approaches: 2 Critical awareness

Methods: 1 Developing critical awareness when you are reading and note-taking.

Methods: 2 Devising a plan and a structure for your writing

Methods: 3 Demonstrating critical awareness in your writing

Skills: 1 Synthesising information and building paragraphs

Skills: 2 How to deal with qualitative data

Skills: 3 How to deal with quantitative data

Chapter 11. Finishing off: have I done what was required?

Theme: Strategic Management

Approaches: 1 Discourse communities and academic texts

Methods: 1 Avoiding plagiarism

Skills: 1 Re

Dave Burnapp is Senior Lecturer at Northampton Business School, UK. He teaches on a range of courses including English for academic purposes, study skills and research methods. He is also a National Teaching Fellow.

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