Bychkov / Schumacher | A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Web PDF, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Reihe: Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies

Bychkov / Schumacher A Reader in Early Franciscan Theology

The Summa Halensis

E-Book, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Web PDF, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Reihe: Medieval Philosophy: Texts and Studies

ISBN: 978-0-8232-9886-0
Verlag: De Gruyter
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This Reader presents translations of key passages from the Summa Halensis. This text was collaboratively authored mostly between 1236-45 by the founding members of the Franciscan school at the University of Paris, who sought to lay down their own distinctive intellectual tradition for the first time.
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Weitere Infos & Material

A Guide to Citing the Summa Halensis / ix

Introduction / 1

1. The Science of Theology / 55

2. The Knowledge of God in This Life / 80

3. The Necessary Existence of God / 110

4. The Divine Nature / 120

5. The Transcendentals / 138

6. The Trinity / 172

7. Christology / 200

8. Free Choice / 228

9. Moral Theology / 248

Schumacher, Lydia
Lydia Schumacher is Reader in Historical and Philosophical Theology at King’s College London, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, and Principal Investigator of the European Research Council project on Authority and Innovation in Early Franciscan Thought. She has published four monographs: Divine Illumination: The History and Future of Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge, Rationality as Virtue, Theological Philosophy, and Early Franciscan Theology.

Bychkov, Oleg
Oleg Bychkov is Professor of Theology at Saint Bonaventure University, New York. The most recent of his books are the edition/translation John Duns Scotus: The Report of the Paris Lecture and the collection of essays Aesthetic Theology in the Franciscan Tradition: The Senses and the Experience of God in Art, co-edited with Xavier Seubert.

Bychkov Oleg:
Oleg Bychkov is Professor of Theology at Saint Bonaventure University, New York. The most recent of his books are the edition/translation John Duns Scotus: The Report of the Paris Lecture and the collection of essays Aesthetic Theology in the Franciscan Tradition: The Senses and the Experience of God in Art, co-edited with Xavier Seubert.Schumacher Lydia:
Lydia Schumacher is Reader in Historical and Philosophical Theology at King’s College London, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, and Principal Investigator of the European Research Council project on Authority and Innovation in Early Franciscan Thought. She has published four monographs: Divine Illumination: The History and Future of Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge, Rationality as Virtue, Theological Philosophy, and Early Franciscan Theology.Oleg Bychkov (Edited By)
Oleg Bychkov is Professor of Theology at Saint Bonaventure University, New York. The most recent of his books are the edition/translation John Duns Scotus: The Report of the Paris Lecture and the collection of essays Aesthetic Theology in the Franciscan Tradition: The Senses and the Experience of God in Art, co-edited with Xavier Seubert.

Lydia Schumacher (Edited By)
Lydia Schumacher is Reader in Historical and Philosophical Theology at King’s College London, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, and Principal Investigator of the European Research Council project on Authority and Innovation in Early Franciscan Thought. She has published four monographs: Divine Illumination: The History and Future of Augustine’s Theory of Knowledge, Rationality as Virtue, Theological Philosophy, and Early Franciscan Theology.

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