Byers / Dorf / Nelson | ISE Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise | Buch | 978-1-260-08508-2 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 185 mm x 231 mm, Gewicht: 753 g

Byers / Dorf / Nelson

ISE Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 185 mm x 231 mm, Gewicht: 753 g

ISBN: 978-1-260-08508-2
Verlag: Open University Press

For business, engineering, science, and professional students who demand a comprehensive guide to high-growth entrepreneurship, Technology Ventures is the leading resource for analyzing opportunities and building new enterprises. Drawing on the latest academic research and practitioner insights, Technology Ventures integrates clear theoretical frameworks with action-oriented examples and exercises. Its broad perspective on "technology," including clean tech, information technology, and the life sciences - ensures wide-ranging appeal to anyone with an interest in high-potential ventures. Entrepreneurship is playing a vital role in finding solutions to the huge challenges facing civilization, including health, communications, security, infrastructure, education, energy and the environment. Coverage on customer engagement, the customer development process, and the latest insights on business model design, have been expanded. Special attention has been paid to university technology commercialization, open source innovation, and opportunities in mobile, digital health, 3D printing, and energy tech. The organization of key topics such as: intellectual property, the new venture organizations, and marketing and sales, has been enhanced. Also available with this edition are additional web-based resources, including syllabi and presentations, additional cases and business plans, and hundreds of videos of entrepreneurs and leaders.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part I - Venture Opportunity and Strategy1) Venture Opportunity and Strategy2) Opportunities3) Vision and the Business Model4) Competitive Strategy5) Innovation StrategiesPart II - Concept Development and Venture Formation6) Concept Development and Venture Formation7) Risk and Return8) Creativity and Product Developement9) Marketing and Sales10) Types of VenturesPart III - Intellectual Property, Organizations, and Operations 11) Intellectual Property12) The New Enterprise Organization13) Acquiring and Organizing Resources14) Management of Operations15) Acquisitions and Global ExpansionPart IV - Financing and Leading the Enterprise16) Financing and Leading the Enterprise17) The Financial Plan18) Sources of Capital19) Deal Presentations and Negotiations20) Leading Ventures to Success

Nelson, Andrew
Andrew J. Nelson is Assistant Professor of Management at the University of Oregon's Lundquist College of Business, where he teaches courses in strategy and entrepreneurship. He received his Ph.D. and B.A. degrees from Stanford University and his M.Sc. from Oxford University. Prior to joining the University of Oregon, he held the post of Lecturer in management science and engineering at Stanford University.  Dr. Nelson is well known for his research into university-based entrepreneurship

Dorf, Richard
Richard C. Dorf is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Professor of Management at the University of California, Davis. He is author of Introduction to Electric Circuits (7th Ed.), Modern Control Systems (10th Ed.), Handbook of Electrical Engineering (3rd Ed.), Handbook of Engineering (2nd Ed.), and Handbook of Technology Management. He is the co-founder of six technology firms and was recently elected a Fellow Member in The American Society for Engineering Education (ASEE)in recognition of his outstanding contributions to the Society.

Byers, Thomas
Tom Byers is Professor of Management Science and Engineering at Stanford University and founder of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program, which is dedicated to accelerating high-technology entrepreneurship education and creating scholarly research on technology-based firms. After receiving his Ph.D. from UC Berkeley, Tom spent over a decade in leadership positions in technology companies including Symantec Corporation. His teaching awards include Stanford's highest honor in 2005 and three national awards for entrepreneurship educators.

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