Cabannes / Douglass / Padawangi | Cities in Asia by and for the People | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch, Band 7, 344 Seiten

Reihe: Asian Cities

Cabannes / Douglass / Padawangi Cities in Asia by and for the People

E-Book, Englisch, Band 7, 344 Seiten

Reihe: Asian Cities

ISBN: 978-90-485-3625-2
Verlag: Amsterdam University Press
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

This book examines the active role of urban citizens in constructing alternative urban spaces as tangible resistance towards capitalist production of urban spaces that continue to encroach various neighborhoods, lanes, commons, public land and other spaces of community life and livelihoods. The collection of narratives presented here brings together research from ten different Asian cities and re-theorises the city from the perspective of ordinary people facing moments of crisis, contestations, and cooperative quests to create alternative spaces to those being produced under prevailing urban processes. The chapters accent the exercise of human agency through daily practices in the production of urban space and the intention is not one of creating a romantic or utopian vision of what a city "by and for the people" ought to be. Rather, it is to place people in the centre as mediators of city-making with discontents about current conditions and desires for a better life.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Cities by and for the People Table of Contents Chapter 1 Cities by and for the People Yves Cabannes, Mike Douglass, Rita Padawangi Chapter 2 How to Prove You are Not a Squatter: Appropriating Space and Marking Presence in Jakarta Jörgen Hellman Chapter 3 Inhabitants of Spontaneous Settlements in Bangkok: Networks and Actions Changing the Contemporary Metropolis Fanny Gerbeaud Chapter 4 Collaborating Urban Farming Networks in Bangkok: To Promote Collective Gardens and Alternative Markets as Theatres of Social Action Piyapong Boossabong Chapter 5 The Struggle to Create Alternative Urban Spaces: An Attempt by a Theatre Group in Hong Kong Ngai Ming Yip Chapter 6 Making the Music Scene in the Making of Singapore: Jumping Spatio-Sonic Scales in a Southeast Asian City-State Steve Ferzacca Chapter 7 Connect with Society and People through "Art Projects" in an Era of Personalization Motohiro Koizumi Chapter 8 Challenging Form Follows Capital: The Resilience of Urban Fresh Food Provisioning in Baguio City, Philippines B. Lynne Milgram Chapter 9 From Street Hawkers to Public Markets: Modernity and Sanitization Made in Hong Kong Maurizio Marinelli Chapter 10 Street Vending from the Right to the City Approach: The Appropriation of the Bhadra Plaza Lila Oriard Colin Chapter 11 Surviving Existence through a Built Form: The Advent of the Daseng Sario Cynthia R. Susilo and Bruno De Meulder Chapter 12 Ethnic Place-Making in Cosmopolis: The Case of Yeonbeon Village in Seoul Myung-Rae Cho

Douglass, Mike
Mike Douglass is Emeritus Professor of Urban Planning, University of Hawaii. At the National University of Singapore (2012-2018), he was a Professor at the Asia Research Institute. His research includes globalization and the city, progressive cities, creative communities, and environmental disasters.

Padawangi, Rita
Rita Padawangi is Associate Professor (Sociology) at Singapore University of Social Sciences. Her research is on social movements, community engagement, and environmental justice. Rita coordinates the Southeast Asia Neighbourhoods Network (SEANNET), a collaborative urban research and education initiative. She recently published Urban Development in Southeast Asia (Cambridge University Press, 2022).

Cabannes, Yves
Yves Cabannes is an Urban Planner and activist, Emeritus Professor of Development Planning and former Chair (2006-2015) of the Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU), University College London, UK. He holds a Ph.D. in Development Planning from Paris Sorbonne University.

Cabannes Yves:
Yves Cabannes is an Urban Planner and activist, Emeritus Professor of Development Planning and former Chair (2006-2015) of the Bartlett Development Planning Unit (DPU), University College London, UK. He holds a Ph.D. in Development Planning from Paris Sorbonne University.Douglass Mike:
Mike Douglass is Emeritus Professor of Urban Planning, University of Hawaii. At the National University of Singapore (2012-2018), he was a Professor at the Asia Research Institute. His research includes globalization and the city, progressive cities, creative communities, and environmental disasters.Padawangi Rita:
Rita Padawangi is Associate Professor (Sociology) at Singapore University of Social Sciences. She is Coordinator of the Southeast Asia Neighborhoods Network (SEANNET).

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