Charura / McFetridge / Bradshaw | Demystifying Trauma | Buch | 978-0-335-25174-2 |

Buch, Englisch

Charura / McFetridge / Bradshaw

Demystifying Trauma

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-25174-2
Verlag: Open University Press

By starting from the historical and contextual background to trauma treatment this book will provide a foundational exploration of contemporary trauma practices. Providing an accessible text for counselling students and practitioners. By considering a range of approaches to trauma treatment and by establishing trauma as inter-relational the book will centre the therapeutic relationship as the means to healing.

This book will take a transcultural approach to avoid an overly euro-centric approach allowing readers to apply learnings to their own contexts and experiences. Utilising case studies and vignettes from the authors’ practice the book will ensure that readers are able to translate theory into practice.

Guiding readers through each stage of the therapeutic relationship using examples and vignettes the book will cover boundary setting; treatment planning; understanding the client in dynamic terms; reflective practice and post-traumatic growth.

Breaking down complex ideas into accessible approaches and using practical examples this book will enable students of psychotherapy as well as practitioners, to enhance their understanding of the theoretical basis of trauma treatment in a way that facilitates ongoing professional development.
Charura / McFetridge / Bradshaw Demystifying Trauma jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

1 Introduction and Historical context - ‘grandmas times’
2 So, what is trauma and how might it manifest?
3 Research in trauma: multimodal creative, critical and transcultural methodologies
4 Neurobiology trauma research
5 Cases from 80 years of practice 
6 Psychopathology and Complex trauma
7 Contemporary Trauma approaches and their limitations 
8 Critical perspectives: a cautionary note to our traumatic memory understanding
9 Love and the relational aspect to trauma, The therapeutic relationship, self-care and Trauma focused Supervision
10 A contemporary systemic perspectives to trauma
11 Cross/Transcultural perspectives to working with trauma
12 Post traumatic growth and endings

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