Chaurasia / Ohia / Bagchi | A Review on Diverse Neurological Disorders | Buch | 978-0-323-95735-9 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1840 g

Chaurasia / Ohia / Bagchi

A Review on Diverse Neurological Disorders

Pathophysiology, Molecular Mechanisms, and Therapeutics
Erscheinungsjahr 2024
ISBN: 978-0-323-95735-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Pathophysiology, Molecular Mechanisms, and Therapeutics

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1840 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-95735-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

A Review of Diverse Neurological Disorders: Pathophysiology, Molecular Mechanisms, and Therapeutics offers an unparalleled compilation of the current understanding of neurodegenerative disorders. This book investigates the origins of mental disorders, encompassing bacterial and fungal invasions, viral assaults, and genetic predispositions, providing readers with a thorough grasp of the neurological landscape. Each chapter dissects the intricacies of these incapacitating conditions, ranging from the pathogenesis of central nervous system tuberculosis to the involvement of endocannabinoids in rabies infection. Topics such as neuroinflammation, axonal pathology, and the intricate relationship between diet, gut microbiomes, and cognitive decline are also explored. This book conducts an extensive examination of neurodegeneration, incorporating discussions on the role of probiotics and natural bioactive compounds in preventing ailments such as Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). With meticulous analyses of vitamins, micronutrients, antioxidants, and nutraceuticals, this work offers a roadmap for promoting neuroprotection. A Review of Diverse Neurological Disorders serves as a resource that not only reviews the current understanding but also lays the groundwork for future treatments and innovations.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Epidemiology and risk factors of mental disorders
- Bacterial meningitis and neurological disorder
- An overview on Helminthic brain infections in humans
- Helminthic infections of the central nervous system
- Pathogenesis and overview of central nervous system tuberculosis
- Tuberculosis of central nervous system
- An overview on tetanus, diphtheria, and diverse bacterial infections of the CNS
- Tetanus, diphtheria and other bacterial infections of central nervous system
- Pathogenesis and treatment of syphilis
- Fungal infection of central nervous system
- An overview on the fungal infections of the nervous system
- Acute viral encephalitis, meningitis, and cerebral malaria
- Neurological complications of COVID-19 infections
- Genetic addiction risk analysis for “Preaddiction Severity Index” (PAI): A neurobiological behavioral octupus
- Addressing the role of endocannabinoid system in rabies infection and its potential for modulation
- Pathogenesis and Treatment of Rabies
- An overview of pathophysiology and therapeutic approaches of Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease
- Ataxia and motor neuron diseases
- Multiple system atrophy
- Progressive supranuclear palsy
- Epilepsy and Neurodegeneration
- HIV/AIDS Neurological Disorders
- Neurodegeneration and Motor Deficits
- Neurodegeneration in autoimmune central nervous system infection
- Inflammation and neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis
- Autophagy and mitophagy in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
- Excitation-inhibition balance in diseases of the brain: Role of NMDA and GABA receptors
- Nutraceuticals for the prevention of stroke and cerebrovascular injury: An overview
- HIV infection, type 1 interferons, and immune competence: Correlating brain immunity to neurodegeneration
- Neuroinflammation: Role of adhesion molecules and signaling networks in neurovascular systems
- Influence of Axonal Pathology in Traumatic Brain Injury
- Axonal Pathology in Traumatic Brain Injury: An Overview
- Ocular neurodegenerative disorders
- Stress-associated neurodegenerative disorders: A mechanistic exploration
- Diverse stress and neurodegeneration: An overview
- Neurodegenerative diseases and circadian rhythm dysfunction: A bidirectional nexus
- Advancing age, nutraceuticals, and neuroprotection
- Novel treatments for neurodegenerative disorders predominantly presenting in children and young adults
- CNS drugs: Classification, characterization, and binding properties towards biomacromolecules
- The role of gut microbiome in insomnia
- Novel therapeutics for diverse neurological disorders
- Elucidating the potential of natural bioactive compounds in neuroprotection
- Vitamins, micronutrients, antioxidants, and nutraceuticals in neuroprotection: An overview
- Olive oil and mediterranean diet: The importance of olive oil constituents, and mainly of its polyphenols, in human health - The redox system - Xenohormesis hypothesis
- Probiotics protect against progressive deterioration of motor functions and Parkinson’s disease
- Neuroprotective abilities of vitamins, micronutrients, antioxidants, and nutraceuticals
- Nutraceuticals and Natural Products in the treatment of neurological disorders
- Unprecedented prospects as forthcoming drug targets: New boulevard in the cure and treatment of neurodegenerative disorders
- The Threats and Therapeutics of Neurodegenerative Disorders: A Commentary

Ohia, Sunny
Sunny Ohia is a Professor of Pharmacology in the College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences at Texas Southern University. Dr. Ohia has over 38 years of experience in higher education having served as a member of faculty in five universities in Canada and the United States. He holds other academic appointments as adjunct professor of ophthalmology and visual sciences at the University of Nebraska Medical Center, Omaha and as an adjunct professor of integrative biology and pharmacology at the University of Texas Health Sciences Center in Houston. Dr. Ohia is a Fellow of the Nigerian Academy of Science and a Fellow of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology. He's authored over 250 original papers, book chapters, books, and abstracts and, holds three U.S. and five international Patents for his scientific work.

Bagchi, Debasis
Debasis Bagchi, PhD, MACN, CNS, MAIChE, received his Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry in 1982. He is a Professor in the Department of Pharmacological and Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Houston College of Pharmacy, Houston, TX, and Chief Scientific Officer at Cepham Research Center, Piscataway, NJ, Adjunct Faculty in Texas Southern University, Houston, TX. He served as the Senior Vice President of Research & Development of InterHealth Nutraceuticals Inc, Benicia, CA, from 1998 until Feb 2011, and then as Director of Innovation and Clinical Affairs, of Iovate Health Sciences, Oakville, ON, until June 2013. Dr. Bagchi received the Master of American College of Nutrition Award in October 2010. He is the Past Chairman of International Society of Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF), Past President of American College of Nutrition, Clearwater, FL, and Past Chair of the Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods Division of Institute of Food Technologists (IFT), Chicago, IL. He is serving as a Distinguished Advisor on the Japanese Institute for Health Food Standards (JIHFS), Tokyo, Japan. Dr. Bagchi is a Member of the Study Section and Peer Review Committee of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Bethesda, MD. He has published 321 papers in peer reviewed journals, 30 books, and 18 patents. Dr. Bagchi is also a Member of the Society of Toxicology, Member of the New York Academy of Sciences, Fellow of the Nutrition Research Academy, and Member of the TCE stakeholder Committee of the Wright Patterson Air Force Base, OH. He is also Associate Editor for the Journal of Functional Foods, Journal of the American College of Nutrition, and the Archives of Medical and Biomedical Research, and is also serving as Editorial Board Member of numerous peer reviewed journals, including Antioxidants & Redox Signaling, Cancer Letters, Toxicology Mechanisms and Methods, and The Original Internist, among others.

Chaurasia, Rameshwar Nath
Rameshwar Nath Chaurasia MBBS, MD, DM, MAMS received his D.M. in Neurology in 2009 from King George Medical University, Lucknow, India. He did his MBBS and M.D.(Medicine) from Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India. At present he is Professor & Head in the Department of Neurology, Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi. He served in the University at various administrative posts like Student Advisor, Anti Ragging Committee of University team, Deputy Chief Proctor etc.,He also served as founder Nodal officer of Ayushman Bharat Yojana (Biggest Health Scheme Yojana in World) in Sir Sundar Lal Hospital, I.M.S. BHU. He is Executive Council Member of AIIMS, Gorakhpur, Uttar Pradesh, India.

Dr. Chaurasia received various awards/prizes from different Scientific/Non-scientific organizations and Societies for creating awareness about various neurological diseases in societies. His passion is to serve the needy people of India living in remote areas of different states of India by arranging health camps with the help of National Medicos Organization and Sewa Bharati of India. He also got teacher awards on teacher's day from Governor and Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, India in 2017 and 2021 respectively. Dr R N Chaurasia has contributed >90 research papers in various peer reviewed national and international journals. He also contributed >10 book chapters in various books. He is reviewer of many national and international peer reviewed journals (>6). His main area of research is in the field of stroke, Epilepsy, cognitive science and CNS infections. He is member of various academic bodies in the field of neurosciences like Indian Academy of Neurology, Neurological Society of India, International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society & American Academy of Neurology etc.

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