Chevance | Server Architectures | Buch | 978-1-55558-333-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 784 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm


Server Architectures

Multiprocessors, Clusters, Parallel Systems, Web Servers, Storage Solutions
Erscheinungsjahr 2004
ISBN: 978-1-55558-333-0
Verlag: Digital Press

Multiprocessors, Clusters, Parallel Systems, Web Servers, Storage Solutions

Buch, Englisch, 784 Seiten, Format (B × H): 191 mm x 235 mm

ISBN: 978-1-55558-333-0
Verlag: Digital Press

The goal of this book is to present and compare various options one for systems architecture from two separate points of view. One, that of the information technology decision-maker who must choose a solution matching company business requirements, and secondly that of the systems architect who finds himself between the rock of changes in hardware and software technologies and the hard place of changing business needs.

Different aspects of server architecture are presented, from databases designed for parallel architectures to high-availability systems, and touching en route on often- neglected performance aspects.

- The book provides IT managers, decision makers and project leaders who want to acquire knowledge sufficient to understand the choices made in and capabilities of systems offered by various vendors

- Provides system design information to balance the characteristic applications against the capabilities and nature of various architectural choices

- In addition, it offers an integrated view of the concepts in server architecture, accompanied by discussion of effects on the evolution of the data processing industry

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Enterprise systems & network administrators


Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1: Architectural Options and Technology Evolution 1. Processors and Memory 2. I/O 3. Evolution of Software Technology

Part 2: Systems Architecture Options 4. Symmetrical (Tightly-Coupled) Multiprocessors 5. Clusters and Massively Parallel Machines 6. Data Storage 7. Systems Performance and Estimation Techniques 8. DBMS and Server Architectures 9. The Terminology of High-Availability Systems 10. Hardware and software Solutions for High Availability 11. Selection Criteria and Total Cost of Ownership 12. Conclusions and Prospects

Chevance, René J.
He joined CII in 1968, a Company which later merged with Groupe Bull. In his role of system architect and later as Chief Scientist, he initiated many key projects.

He has a wide range of teaching experience during his 20 years at Université Paris 6 (Compiler Construction, Software Engineering) and for more than 10 years, as an Associate Professor, at CNAM (System Architecture and System Integration).

He has written several papers and a book on server architectures "Serveurs Multiprocesseurs, clusters et architectures parallèles" Eyrolles (Paris april 2000).

He can be reached at (email:

Chevance, René J.
He joined CII in 1968, a Company which later merged with Groupe Bull. In his role of system architect and later as Chief Scientist, he initiated many key projects.

He has a wide range of teaching experience during his 20 years at Université Paris 6 (Compiler Construction, Software Engineering) and for more than 10 years, as an Associate Professor, at CNAM (System Architecture and System Integration).

He has written several papers and a book on server architectures "Serveurs Multiprocesseurs, clusters et architectures parallèles" Eyrolles (Paris april 2000).

He can be reached at (email:

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