Chew | The New Corporate Finance | Buch | 978-0-07-112043-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 672 Seiten, Format (B × H): 229 mm x 305 mm, Gewicht: 998 g


The New Corporate Finance

Buch, Englisch, 672 Seiten, Format (B × H): 229 mm x 305 mm, Gewicht: 998 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-112043-2
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

The text is meant to bridge the gap between financial theory and practice. It gives instructors a way to introduce students to academic articles edited to eliminate the methodological content. The articles were originally edited for practitioners, so they are perfect for the MBA student. This reader is the perfect packaging option for any of our Corporate Finance texts.
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Weitere Infos & Material

I. Man and Markets 1. The Nature of Man 2. The Theory of Stock Market Efficiency: Accomplishments and Limitations 3. Market Myths 4. R & D and Capital Markets 5. Stern Stewart Roundtable on Relationship Investing and Shareholder Communication II. Corporate Strategy and Structure 6. Finance Theory and Financial Strategy 7. The Economics of Organizational Architecture 8. Capabilities and Capital Investment: New Perspectives on Capital Budgeting 9. The EVA Financial Management System 10. Total Compensation Strategy 11. Stern Stewart EVA Roundtable III. Capital Structure and Payout Policy 12. The Modigliani-Miller Prepositions after Thirty Years 13. The Capital Structure Puzzle: Another Look at Evidence 14. On Financial Architecture: Leverage, Maturity, and Priority 15. Who Wins in Large Stock Buybacks—Those Who Sell or Those Who Hold? 16. The Dividend Cut “Heard ‘Round the World”: The case of FPL 17. Bank of America Roundtable on the Link between Capital Structure and Shareholder Value IV. Raising Capital 18. Raising Capital: Theory and Evidence 19. A Survey of Corporate Financing Innovations: 1970-1997 20. Initial Public Offerings 21. Internet Investment Banking: The Impact of Information Technology on Relationship Banking 22. Are Bank Loans Different?: Some Evidence from the Stock Market 23. Convertible Bonds: Matching Financial and Real Options 24. The Origin of Lyons: A case study in financial innovation 25. The Uses of Hybrid Debt in Managing Corporate Risk 26. Using Project Finance to Fund Infrastructure Investments V. Risk Management 27. Financial Innovation: Achievements and Prospects 28. Strategic Risk Management 29. Rethinking Risk Management 30. Identifying, Measuring and Hedging Currency Risk at Merck 31. Theory of Risk Capital in Financial Firms 32. How to Use the Holes in Black-Scholes 33. Value-at-Risk: Uses and Abuses 34. Corporate Insurance Strategy: The Case of British Petroleum 35. Bank of America Roundtable on Derivatives and Corporate Risk Management VI. Corporate Restructuring and Corporate Governance 36. The Modern Industrial Revolution, Exit, and the Failure of Internal Control Systems 37. The Motives and Methods of Corporate Restructuring 38. How Stock Swap Mergers Affect Shareholder and Bondholder Wealth 39. To Purchase or to Pool: Does It Matter 40. Lessons from a Middle Market LBO: The case of O. M. Scott 41. Leveraged Recaps and the Curbing of Corporate Overinvestment 42. Some New Evidence that Spinoffs Create Value 43. The Evolution of Buyout Pricing and Financial Structure (Or What Went Wrong) in the 1980’s 44. LBOs—The Evolution of Financial Structures and Strategies 45. Continental Bank Roundtable on the Role of Corporate Boards in the 1990s

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