Cocaine | Sonstiges | 978-1-61649-929-7 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, DVD

Reihe: What You Need to Know Video Series


What You Need to Know

Sonstiges, Englisch, DVD

Reihe: What You Need to Know Video Series

ISBN: 978-1-61649-929-7
Verlag: Hazelden Publishing

Hazelden Publishing's new What You Need to Know video series provides detailed information about the most widespread addictive substances: opioids, methamphetamine, alcohol, cocaine, nicotine, and more.

Cocaine: What You Need to Know provides a comprehensive set of tools that is ideal for educating patients and their families, school faculty and staff, behavioral and mental health professionals, and more.

Cocaine features interviews with experts; information about where individuals can turn for assistance with prevention, treatment, and recovery; and insight on assessing use and adapting healthy strategies for hope and healing.

This engaging video consists of the following digestible segments: - 1. Cocaine Defined
- 2. A Brief History of Cocaine
- 3. Cocaine Use Disorder
- 4. Cocaine, HIV, and Hepatitis
- 5. Cocaine and Pregnancy
- 6. Stigma
- 7. Prevention
- 8. Getting Help
The accompanying flash drive contains a facilitator guide—which includes background information, preparation instructions, and discussion questions—and fact sheets for distribution. These materials help create a dynamic learning experience for one-on-one or group sessions.

Each What You Need to Know volume can be used alone or combined with subsequent volumes. It can also be used to complement a variety of treatment curricula.
- The series is ideal for use in a variety of environments, including health care, addiction treatment, mental health treatment, correctional facilities, community groups, and educational settings.
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