Connolly | Adult Learning in Groups | Buch | 978-0-335-23672-5 |

Buch, Englisch


Adult Learning in Groups

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23672-5
Verlag: Open University Press

Group learning plays a central role in contemporary education and training. Studying collaboratively has been shown to directly enhance student learning, as well as being valued as a 'key skill'.

This handbook covers the essential elements of groupwork in adult and post-compulsory education, in an accessible and practical format. It discusses the principles underpinning groupwork, looking at origins and developments in the field, and delves into the technical aspects of group development and the dynamics involved in working groups, drawing on key theoretical perspectives and embedding them in adult education.

The chapters promote participative learning through dialogue, discussion and creative activities. With over twenty years real experience of groupwork, the author provides:

- A set of flexible resources that you can adapt and develop for your own learning environments

- A series of activities and exercises which can be linked into the stages of group development

- Ideas for innovative learning programme design

- Methods that integrate group dynamics with the learning needs of the group

- A comprehensive definition of key terms

Adult Learning in Groups is a vital handbook for anyone working in adult, higher and post-compulsory education.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1 Roadmap of Adult Learning in Groups

Chapter 2 Wider contexts of Groupwork.

Chapter 3 Wider Contexts of Learning as Adults

Chapter 4 Critical Adult Learning in Groups

Chapter 5 Characteristics of Learning Groups

Chapter 6 Development in Learning Groups

Chapter 7 Facilitation Qualities

Chapter 8 Designing learning programmes for adults learning in groups

Chapter 9 Activities and Exercises




Bríd Connolly is Lecturer in Adult and Community Education at the National University of Ireland, Maynooth.

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