Providing a full range of clauses, forms and documents needed from the beginning of arbitral proceedings right through to the issuing of the arbitral award, the handbook is an indispensable working instrument for practitioners. It contains insightful commentaries and offers insider information and know-how regarding arbitration in specific countries, including the Asian countries which are becoming important players in the field of international arbitration. Written by renowned experts in the field, the handbook will assist the practitioner – be they lawyers, counsel or arbitrators – in the practical area of arbitral proceedings. The handbook covers the following countries and arbitration rules: UNCITRAL – ICC – WIPO – Austria (VIAC) – China (CIETAC) – Dubai (DIAC) – England & Wales (LCIA) –Germany (DIS) – Hong Kong (HKIAC) – India (ICA) – Malaysia (KLRCA) – Singapore (SIAC) – Sweden (SCC) – Switzerland (Swiss Rules) Dieses umfassende Handbuch enthält das gesamte Spektrum an Klauseln, Formularen und Dokumenten, die der Praktiker während eines Schiedsverfahrens benötigt, sowie reichhaltige, wissenschaftlich fundierte Kommentierungen und Insider-Know-how zu Schiedsverfahren in einzelnen Ländern. Ce manuel propose un éventail complet de clauses, de formulaires et de documents dont le praticien a besoin dans une procédure d’arbitrage, enrichis de commentaires scientifiques et du savoir-faire de spécialistes portant sur les spécificités de l’arbitrage dans les différents pays.
Conrad / Barrington / Münch
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