Considine / Frankish | A Complete Guide to Quality in Small-Scale Wine Making | Buch | 978-0-323-99287-9 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 880 g

Considine / Frankish

A Complete Guide to Quality in Small-Scale Wine Making

2. Auflage 2023
ISBN: 978-0-323-99287-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 880 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-99287-9
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

A Complete Guide to Quality in Small-Scale Wine Making, Second Edition is the first and only book to focus specifically on the challenges relevant to non-industrial scale production of optimal wine with a scientifically rigorous approach. Fully revised and updated with new insights on the importance of all aspects of the production of consistent, quality wine, this book includes sections on organic wine production, coverage of the selection and culturing of yeast, and the production of sparkling, 'methode champenois' and fortified wines. The new edition includes insights into the latest developments in flavor chemistry, production protocols, NIR and FTIR for multipurpose analysis and microplate and PCR procedures, and IR methods for essential analysis among others.

Written by an expert team with real-world experience and with a multi-cultural approach, this text will provide a complete guide to all the stages of the winemaking process and evaluation, and clearly explains the chemistry that underpins it all.
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Weitere Infos & Material

1. Introduction to the Wine Making Process
2. The Human Interactions
3. Wine Composition and Chemistry
4. Quality Assurance, Systems and Safety, and their Cultural Drivers
5. Wine Production Processes
6. Wine Microbiology and Methods
7. Fruit Composition, Quality and Harvest Protocols
8. Winemaking Protocols
9. Analytical Principals
10. Experiments for the Winemaker
11. Key Analyses
12. Analyses for Quality Assurance, Teaching and Research

Considine, John Anthony
John Considine has had a lifetime of association with viticulture and for most of his professional life has been associated with viticulture. He has served on national R&D boards and on state authorities. His particular interest in wine grew from a large collaborative research project on the interface between viticulture and the composition and quality of Chardonnay for wine in the Margaret River Region of Western Australia. This text grew out of a course he developed for undergraduate and mature-age postgraduate students.

Frankish, Elizabeth
Elizabeth Frankish is a food safety consultant with extensive experience in diagnostic microbiology and risk management for the food industry, including the horticulture, seafood, dairy, and meat sectors. With qualifications in agricultural science and experience in business and project management, she has delivered practical solutions to companies large and small to meet the challenges of microbial contamination, product development, monitoring programs, and training needs from a holistic perspective. She has helped develop numerous food safety guidelines for horticulture and continues to pursue her passion for prevention of food safety incidents through better understanding of the interactions between food systems and their microbial flora.

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