Craddock | Game Dev Stories | Buch | 978-1-032-06677-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 386 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 640 g


Game Dev Stories

Interviews About Game Development and Culture Volumes 1 and 2

Buch, Englisch, 386 Seiten, Format (B × H): 178 mm x 254 mm, Gewicht: 640 g

ISBN: 978-1-032-06677-6
Verlag: Taylor & Francis

Game Dev Stories: Interviews About Game Development and Culture Volumes 1 and 2 are a collection of interviews from renowned author David L. Craddock as he explores all corners of the video game industry. Collected from the author's archives, Game Dev Stories gathers conversations with individuals from all corners of the industry: Who they are, the paths they paved, and their contributions to this multibillion-dollar industry. This text offers viewpoints from well-known individuals like John Romero, Tom Hall, and Matt Householder. From artists and writers to programmers and designers, Game Dev Stories offers amazing insights and understanding to what occurs behind the screens of your favorite games and may help inspire future game developers in pursuing their dreams.
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Professional Practice & Development


Weitere Infos & Material

Volume 1:

Part 1 Old-School

Chapter 1 The Rise and Fall of Cheat Codes

Chapter 2 Scott Miller – Apogee, Shareware, and id Software

Chapter 3 Tom Hall – Apple II and the Early Days of id Software

Chapter 4 Matt Householder – Epyx and California Games

Chapter 5 Milton Guasti and Steve Rothlisberger – AM2R

Chapter 6 Apple II, id Software, and First-Person Shooters

Chapter 7 Brian Fargo – Founder of Interplay Entertainment and InXile Entertainment

Part 2 Ad Hoc

Chapter 8 John Hancock – Game Collector

Chapter 9 "Infidelity" – NES ROM Hacks

Chapter 10 Scott Coleman and Jay Cotton – Kali

Chapter 11 Kyoko Higo – Marketing Final Fantasy 7

Chapter 12 Meagan Marie – Senior Community Manager at Crystal Dynamics

Chapter 13 Teut Weidemann – Germany's First Professional Producer

Chapter 14 S. D. Perry – Author

Chapter 15 Outro

Volume 2:

Part 1 Old School

Chapter 1 David Brevik – Co-Founder of Blizzard North

Chapter 2 Max and Erich Schaefer – Co-Founders of Blizzard North

Chapter 3 Stieg Hedlund – Designer on Diablo and Diablo 2

Chapter 4 Speedy Shovelry – Shovel Knight Speedrunners

Chapter 5 Boss Digs – Designing Boss Fights in Shovel Knight

Chapter 6 Randy Littlejohn – Director of Photography on Gabriel Knight 2

Part 2 Ad Hoc

Chapter 7 Will Binder – Director on Gabriel Knight 2

Chapter 8 Isla Schanuel – User Experience Researcher

Chapter 9 American McGee – Game Designer and Creative Director

Chapter 10 Jennell Jaquays – Game Designer and Writer

Chapter 11 David Bamberger – Marketing Final Fantasy 7 in the U.S.

Chapter 12 Chris Ansell – Marketing Final Fantasy 7 in Europe

Chapter 13 Brian Harvey – Educator

Chapter 14 Super Marketing Showdown – InFamous vs. Prototype

Chapter 15 PowerUp Audio – Sound of Combat

David L. Craddock writes fiction, nonfiction, and grocery lists. He is the author of over a dozen nonfiction books about video game development and culture, including the bestselling Stay Awhile and Listen series, Arcade Perfect: How Pac-Man, Mortal Kombat, and Other Coin-Op Classics Invaded the Living Room, and fiction for young adults, including The Dumpster Club and Heritage: Book One of the Gairden Chronicles. Find him online @davidlcraddock on Twitter.

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