Culík-Baird / Culik-Baird | Cicero and the Early Latin Poets | E-Book |

E-Book, Englisch

Culík-Baird / Culik-Baird Cicero and the Early Latin Poets

E-Book, Englisch

ISBN: 978-1-009-03327-5
Verlag: Cambridge University Press
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

The writings of Cicero contain hundreds of quotations of Latin poetry. This book examines his citations of Latin poets writing in diverse poetic genres and demonstrates the importance of poetry as an ethical, historical, and linguistic resource in the late Roman Republic. Hannah Culík-Baird studies Cicero's use of poetry in his letters, speeches, and philosophical works, contextualizing his practice within the broader intellectual trends of contemporary Rome. Cicero's quotations of the 'classic' Latin poets, such as Ennius, Pacuvius, Accius, and Lucilius, are responsible for preserving the most significant fragments of verse from the second century BCE. The book also therefore examines the process of fragmentation in classical antiquity, with particular attention to the relationship between quotation and fragmentation. The Appendices collect perceptible instances of poetic citation (Greek as well as Latin) in the Ciceronian corpus.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Introduction. 'All minds quote'; 1. Cicero and the poets; 2. Poetic citation by Ciceronian genre; 3. Roman comedy and scholarship; 4. Singing in Cicero; 5. Poetry as artefact.

Culík-Baird, Hannah
Hannah Culík-Baird is an Assistant Professor of Classical Studies at Boston University.

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