Buch, Englisch, 352 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 226 mm, Gewicht: 431 g
ISBN: 978-1-118-22778-7
Verlag: Wiley
For both student food scientists and experienced professionals, a knowledge of U.S. food law is the foundation that supports an understanding of all industry regulation. Based on a popular internet course, Guide to Food Laws and Regulations, 2nd Edition informs students on the significance, range, and background of food laws and gives tools for finding current regulations.
This compact resource outlines major U.S. food laws, factors that led to their passage, and explains the role of key agencies like the FDA and FSIS in regulation and enforcement. Students are directed to internet sites as well as to indexes and resources available from the Federal government. Other topics include religious dietary law, Occupational Safety and Health Administration regulations, environmental regulations, HACCP and GMPs, laws governing health claims, and the regulation of biotechnology.
New to this edition are six chapters on subjects that have risen to prominence during the last few years:
- Poultry Processing Regulations
- Federal Trade Commission
- Animal Welfare Regulations and Food Production
- Egg Laws and Regulations
- Catfish Regulations
- Locating Laws and Regulations
Guide to Food Laws and Regulations, 2nd Edition is an ideal sourcebook for students and professionals in food science and technology, chemistry, biosystems engineering, food animal production and medicine, agribusiness, and other closely related fields.
Weitere Infos & Material
List of Contributors xv
About the Companion Website xvii
Chapter 1 Introduction to Laws and Regulations 1
Patricia A. Curtis
Introduction 1
Sources of American Law 2
The Constitution 2
Statutory Law 3
Common Law 3
Equity 3
Public and Private Law 3
Private Law 3
Public Law 3
Legislative Branch 4
Judicial Branch 5
Federal Court System 5
The Supreme Court 5
Courts of Appeals 5
US District Courts 6
Special Courts 6
Executive Branch 6
Sources of Legislation 7
How a Bill Becomes a Law 8
Introduction 8
Considered in Committee 8
Reintroduction 9
Debate in Congress 9
Presidential Action 10
Where to Find Legal Information 11
Law-making Process 12
The Laws 13
Conventional Search Method 16
Example Search 16
How Regulations are Made 17
The Rule-making Process and Publication 17
Example 18
Code of Federal Regulations 18
Using the Code of Federal Regulations 19
Example 19
References 20
Additional Resources 21
Chapter 2 How Did We Get Where We Are Today? 23
Patricia A. Curtis, Emily L. Steinberg, Michelle A. Parisi, and Julie K. Northcutt
Introduction 23
Reasons for Food Laws 24
American Food Laws 25
The “Poison Squad” 28
The Jungle 31
The Need for a New Food and Drug Law 33
Elixir of Sulfanilamide: Raspberry Flavored Death 36
Food Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 37
Silent Spring and the Environmental
Protection Agency 38
First Amendment to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act 38
Public Health Service Act 39
Milestones in US Food and Drug History (FDA 2010) 39
A Brief History of Agricultural-Related Agencies 46
State Departments of Agriculture 47
Environmental Protection Agency 47
Food and Drug Administration 48
Current Consumer and Regulatory Concerns 48
Summary of Major Food Laws 49
Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906 49
Federal Meat Inspection Act of 1906 49
Food Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 49
Poultry Products Inspection Act of 1957 (as amended 1968) 49
Food Additive Amendment of 1958 49
Color Additive Amendment of 1960 50
Fair Packaging and Labeling Act of 1966 50
Egg Products Inspection Act of 1970 50
Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 50
Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 50
Saccharin Notice Repeal Act of 1996 50
Food Quality Protection Act of 1996 50
Food and Drug Administration Modernization Act of 1997 50
Pediatric Rule (1999) 51
The Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act of 2002 51
Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness and Response Act of 2002 51
Project BioShield Act of 2004 51
Food Allergy Labeling and Consumer Protection Act of 2004 51
Anabolic Steroid Control Act of 2004 51
Minor Use and Minor Species Animal Health Act of 2004 52
References 52
Further Reading 53
Chapter 3 Federal, State, and Local Laws 55
Patricia A. Curtis
Introduction 55
National versus State Government 56
National Government 56
State Government 57
The Civil War Amendments 58
Powers of the National Government and State Governments 58
Food-related Laws and Regulations 60
Food Safety and Inspection Service 60
Food and Drug Administration 62
Shellfish Program 62
Milk Program 63
Retail Food Protection Program 64
Food Safety 65
Local Government 67
Tribal Governments 69
Summary 70
References 70
Chapter 4 Major Food Laws and Regulations 73
Julie K. Northcutt and Michelle A. Parisi
Introduction 73
Pure Food and Drug Act (1906) and Federal Meat Inspection Act (1906) 73
Amendments to the Federal Meat Inspection Act (1906) 76
Poultry Products Inspection Act (PPIA) of 1957 76
Wholesome Meat Act of 1967 and Wholesome Poultry Product Act of 1968 77
Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FDCA), 1938 77
Amendments to the Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act, 1938 80
Miller Pesticide Amendment, 1954 81
Food Additive Amendment, 1958 82
Color Additive Amendment, 1960 83
Dietary Supplement Health Education Act (DSHEA) of 1994 86
Public Health Security and Bioterrorism Preparedness Response Act of 2002 89
FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FFSMA) of 2011 91
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) of 2010 93
Conclusion 95
References 95
Chapter 5 US Federal Laws affecting Food Labeling 97
Michelle A. Parisi, Julie K. Northcutt, and Emily L. Steinberg
Introduction 97
History of food labeling 98
Standards of identity 98
Overview of major food labeling laws 99
Construction of a food label 103
The principal display panel (PDP) 103
NLEA of 1990 105
The nutrition facts panel 107
Food labeling nutrient and health claims 113
The FDA Modernization Act of 1997 116
Labeling exemptions 117
Results of over 70 years of food labeling regulation 117
Conclusion 118
References 118
Chapter 6 Environmental Regulations and the Food Industry 121
Theodore A. Feitshans
Introduction 121
Discharges to surface and ground waters 121
Solid waste 124
Hazardous waste 126
Use of water 126
Regulation of water sources 128
Discharges to air 129
Chemical use, storage, release, and transport 131
Toxic Substance Control Act (TSCA) 131
Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act 132
Siting and operation of facilities 137
Environmental risk management 138
References 140
Legal authorities 141
Chapter 7 OSHA Regulations and the Food Industry 143
Patricia A. Curtis
Introduction 143
Mission 144
OSHA statistics 145
Women of Hispanic or Latino ethnicity 145
Workplace fatalities 146
Retail trade sector 146
Food manufacturing 147
Food service 148
Government workers 148
Rights and responsibilities under OSHA law 149
Selected OSHA Standards and Guidelines 151
Hazard communications 151
Ergonomics 152
Enforcement 153
Inspections 154
Outreach, education, and compliance assistance 155
Filing a complaint with OSHA 156
Complaint filing options 157
Summary 157
References 158
Further Reading 159
Chapter 8 Federal Trade Commission Regulations and the Food Industry 161
Patricia A. Curtis
Introduction 161
Mission 161
Authorizing Acts 162
Bureau of Consumer Protection 162
The Division of Advertising Practices 163
The Division of Enforcement 164
Division of Consumer and Business Education 165
Division of Financial Services 165
Division of Marketing Practices 166
Division of Planning and Information 167
Division of Privacy and Identity Protection 168
Bureau of Competition 169
Bureau of Economics 169
Sample enforcement actions 169
References 170
Chapter 9 An Introduction to Kosher and Halal Food Laws 171
Joe M. Regenstein, Muhammad M. Chaudry, and Carrie E. Regenstein
Introduction 171
The kosher and halal laws 172
The kosher and halal market 175
Kosher 176
The kosher dietary laws 176
Kosher: special foods 184
Passover 187
Kosher: other processing issues 188
Halal 194
Halal dietary laws 194
Halal cooking, food processing, and sanitation 200
Both kosher and halal 200
Science 200
Pet food 202
Health 202
Regulatory 203
Federal and State Regulations 209
Animal welfare 210
Acknowledgment 211
References 211
Further Reading 212
Additional Resources 212
Chapter 10 Biotechnology and Genetically Modified Agricultural Crops and Food 213
Emily L. Steinberg, Michelle A. Parisi, and Julie K. Northcutt
Introduction 213
Biotechnology, genetically modified, and genetic engineering 215
Regulation of GM foods in the United States 216
USDA 216
EPA 216
FDA 217
Biotechnology versus organic agriculture 220
Legal issues – NOP and biotechnology 221
Common examples of GM products 221
Flavr Savr TomatoTM 221
Bt corn 222
L-tryptophan 223
Biotechnology-related court cases 224
International Dairy Foods Assoc. v. Boggs 224
Alliance for Bio-Integrity v. Shalala 225
Monsanto v. Geertson Farms 225
Conclusion 225
References 226
Chapter 11 Animal Welfare Regulations and Food Production 227
Kenneth E. Anderson
Introduction 227
Participants in the welfare debate 229
Impact on public perception 232
Economics 233
What needs to be done 234
References 235
Further Reading 238
Chapter 12 Egg Laws and Regulations 239
Patricia A. Curtis
Introduction 239
History 239
Federal Egg Laws 241
Egg Products Inspection Act (EPIA) 243
Federal-State Agreements 243
Egg Safety Final Rule Implementation 246
Compliance Dates 246
Salmonella Enteritidis 246
Required SE Prevention Measures 247
State Egg Laws 254
References 254
Additional Resources 255
Chapter 13 Regulations Governing Poultry Processing 257
Brooke Caudill
Introduction 257
Poultry Products Inspection Act (21 USC 451) 260
Poultry Products Inspection Regulations (9 CFR 381) 263
Poultry Processing Operations 265
Ante-mortem 266
Slaughter 267
Feather Removal 267
Evisceration and Post-mortem Inspection 268
Reinspection 272
Finished Product Standards (FPS) 273
Facilities Required for Inspection 276
Chilling 278
Post-chill 279
Pathogen Reduction Standards 279
HACCP Systems (9 CFR 417) 280
New Inspection System Proposal 281
New Poultry Inspection System for Young Chickens and Turkeys 282
Online Carcass Inspection 283
Offline Verification Inspection 283
Elimination of Finished Product Standards 284
Maximum Line Speeds 284
Proposed Changes Affecting All Poultry Slaughter Establishments 285
Zero Tolerance for Visible Fecal Material Before Chilling 285
Generic E. coli Testing and Salmonella Performance Standards 287
Proposed Changes Affecting Only Traditional Inspection 289
Poultry Products Inspection Regulations (9 CFR 381) 292
Definitions of Nonconformances 300
References 305
Chapter 14 What Are They Doing Up There? Contacting Your Congressional (House) Member 307
Jessica Butler
Writing to your Congressman/Congresswoman 307
Calling your Congressman/Congresswoman 308
District office 308
DC office 309
Visiting your Congressman/Congresswoman 309
Jobs on the Hill (House of Representatives) 310
Intern 310
Staff Assistant (SA) 311
Legislative Correspondent (LC) 311
Communications Director (Comm’s Director) 312
Legislative Assistant (LA) 312
Legislative Director (LD) 313
Chief of Staff (COS) 313
Fellowships 313
When traveling to Washington DC 314
Index 317