Cutcher / Wailes | Cases in Strategy and Management | Buch | 978-0-07-471619-9 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 75 mm x 96 mm

Cutcher / Wailes

Cases in Strategy and Management

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 75 mm x 96 mm

ISBN: 978-0-07-471619-9
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

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Weitere Infos & Material

About the Authors
A Guide to the Cases in this Book
Part 1 Introduction
Cases in Strategy and Management: An Introduction
Part 2 Cases
Chapter 1.Back to the Future: Bendigo Bank's Community Bank Model
Leanne Cutcher
Chapter 2.A Meeting of Minds: A US–Australian Joint Venture
Kristine Dery
Chapter 3. The Road Less Travelled: Country Road's Venture into Global Markets
Melissa Kerr and Troy Sarina
Chapter 4. “Not for Profit, Not for Charity, but for Service” – Credit Unions: Not-For-Profits in the Financial Services Sector
Leanne Cutcher
Chapter 5. Stuck in Neutral? The Impact of Global Production on Local Strategy in the Australian Automotive Industry
Chris F Wright
Chapter 6. Knowledge Management at Accenture Australia
Richard Hall
Chapter 7. The Sydney Real Estate Market
Signe Brandt and Nick Wailes
Chapter 8. ATP Innovations
David Grant and Nick Wailes

Wailes, Nicholas
Nick WailesSenior Lecturer in Work and Organisational StudiesUniversity of SydneyNick Wailes is a Senior Lecturer in Work and Organisational Studies in the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Sydney. He teaches in the area of strategic management and entrepreneurship. Nicks research interests focus on strategy and organisational change. Nick has published articles in a number of leading journals including the Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, the Journal of Organizational Change Management and the Journal of Business Ethics.

Cutcher, Leanne
Leanne CutcherSesqui Lecturer in Strategic ManagementUniversity of SydneyLeanne Cutcher is the Sesqui Lecturer in Strategic Management in the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Sydney. Her primary research interests are in the areas of strategic management, customer service, identity and gender. In 2005 her thesis on the Australian banking industry won the Inaugural Emerald Outstanding Thesis Award. She has published articles in Management Communication Quarterly, the Journal of Industrial Relations and Labour and Industry.

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