Dalrymple / Burke | Anti-Oppressive Practice | Buch | 978-0-335-22964-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Dalrymple / Burke

Anti-Oppressive Practice

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-22964-2
Verlag: Open University Press

Praise for the new edition:

"This revised text should be read by all practitioners in health and social care settings who supports people with complex needs and who aim to promote anti-oppressive and person-centred practice.

A variety of activities is presented in each chapter to stimulate readers to reflect on the cases and concepts under discussion. This text represents a valuable companion for professionals involved in learning disability practice."

Learning Disability Practice

"This new edition proves to be a substantial updating of the 1995 edition. The coverage is analytical and clearly related to anti-oppressive practice. It is important to persuade students of the necessity of action to put their values into practice - this book is a real boon and should be required reading up and down the country."

Mark Baldwin, University of Bath.

In the new edition of this bestselling text, the authors challenge the notion that anti-oppressive practice has lost its potency or become commodified into a professional response to inequalities. Retaining a commitment to the principles and values of anti-oppressive practice, discussion about contemporary practice is guided by a critical understanding of personal values and the context of practice.

Some key questions are explored:

- How is anti-oppressive practice relevant in contemporary practice?

- How can the law be used as an empowering tool?

- How can the law be used to develop and inform anti-oppressive practice?

The second edition is substantially revised and updated to take account of policy and legislative changes, with a new chapter addressing critical practice in social work as well as additional activities, chapter summaries and further reading at the end of each chapter.

The authors draw on their own experiences and those of practitioners, service users and carers to understand issues of power and oppression, demonstrating how the law can be used to inform the development of critical anti-oppressive practice. The book therefore points the way to practice that is both empowering to service users and ultimately liberating for practitioners.

Anti-Oppressive Practice is an essential text for students, practitioners, lecturers, service users and carers.
Dalrymple / Burke Anti-Oppressive Practice jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

List of statutes

Preface to the second edition



Anti-oppressive practice ten years on

Part I Unpacking concepts: Setting the terms of the debate

Some essential elements of anti-oppressive theory

Use of the law: Contradictions and dilemmas

Part II A model of anti-oppressive practice: Principles for action




Minimal intervention

Implications for practice

Part III Reframing practice in relation to legislation




Service user involvement





Jane Dalrymple is Senior Lecturer at the University of the West of England. She has practised as a social worker in the field of child care and is the author of a number of publications about advocacy for children and young people.

Beverley Burke is Senior Lecturer in social work at Liverpool John Moores University. She has practised as a social worker in the field of child care and has published in the areas of anti-oppressive practice, values and ethics.

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