Daniels | Constructing the Literary Self | Buch | 978-1-4438-4530-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 250 Seiten


Constructing the Literary Self

Race and Gender in Twentieth-Century Literature

Buch, Englisch, 250 Seiten

ISBN: 978-1-4438-4530-4
Verlag: Cambridge Scholars Publishing

In the twentieth century, as previously excluded groups, including ethnic minorities, women, the disabled, and the differently gendered, gained a voice in society, group identity also changed and new definitions became necessary. Whether through their group affiliations or in spite of these affiliations, many individuals sought a new definition of themselves. As can be expected, much literature explores these changes and depicts the quest for new definitions and the search for individuality in the light of new definitions.

Construction or definition of the self was once available only to the elite, and the freedom of some to define their identity was sacrificed so that others could make their own self-definitions; this practice can be found throughout much of history. This volume is about that kind of oppression and various strategies of escaping from oppression as depicted in serious literature.

Its thirteen essays, all by recognized scholars, are divided into five categories: Race, Gender, and the Self; Assimilation and the Self; Black Males and the Self; Female Sexuality and the Self; and The Family and the Self.
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Daniels, Patsy J.
Patsy J. Daniels is a Professor of English at Jackson State University. Her publications include articles in several scholarly journals and two books of critical theory. The Voice of the Oppressed in the Language of the Oppressor (Routledge, 2001) discusses the postcolonial nature of twelve authors and their works. Understanding American Fiction as Postcolonial Literature (Edwin Mellen, 2011) posits the postcolonial nature of American literature. Patsy has been a peer reviewer for six different scholarly journals. Since 2008, she has served as editor of a scholarly journal based at Jackson State University, The Researcher: An Interdisciplinary Journal.

Patsy J. Daniels is a Professor of English at Jackson State University. Her publications include articles in several scholarly journals and two books of critical theory. The Voice of the Oppressed in the Language of the Oppressor (Routledge, 2001) discusses the postcolonial nature of twelve authors and their works. Understanding American Fiction as Postcolonial Literature (Edwin Mellen, 2011) posits the postcolonial nature of American literature. Patsy has been a peer reviewer for six different scholarly journals. Since 2008, she has served as editor of a scholarly journal based at Jackson State University, The Researcher: An Interdisciplinary Journal.

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