Day / Sammons / Leithwood | Successful School Leadership | Buch | 978-0-335-24245-0 |

Buch, Englisch

Day / Sammons / Leithwood

Successful School Leadership

Linking with Learning

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24245-0
Verlag: Open University Press

This book is based on the largest and most extensive empirical study of contemporary leadership in primary and secondary schools in England. The results demonstrate that heads of successful schools improve the quality of student learning and achievement through who they are – their values, virtues, dispositions and competencies – as well as their timely use of change and improvement strategies.

Successful School Leadership provides a comprehensive analysis of the values and qualities of head teachers. It assesses the strategies they use and how they adapt these to their particular school context in order to ensure positive increases in the learning, well being and achievement of their students. The authors:

- Identify a basic set of leadership practices resulting from their findings

- Analyse and describe the leadership values, qualities and behaviours related to different phases in schools’ improvement journeys

- Provide illustrative case studies of primary and secondary schools that highlight context sensitive strategies

- Provide a contemporary overview of international research and thinking about successful school leadership

- Recognize similar and distinguishing features between schools in different socio-economic groups

This book is valuable reading for…school leaders and senior teachers, educational policy makers and advisors, as well as anyone involved or interested in education and its leadership.
Day / Sammons / Leithwood Successful School Leadership jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material


Part One - Contexts for Success

Leaders and Contexts: What Previous Research Tells Us About the Relationship

What All Successful Leaders Do In Most Contexts

Part Two - Leadership Actions and Pupil Outcomes

Models of Leadership and Pupil Outcomes

Similarities and Differences Between Primary and Secondary Leaders: A Badly Neglected Distinction in Leadership Research and Training

Characteristics and Practices of Leaders in Schools which Improved from Different Starting Points

Part Three - Who Heads Are and What They Do To Build and Sustain Success

Core Values and Practices: Leadership, Learning and Improvement

Phases of School Improvement

Layered Leadership Strategies: How Leaders Achieve and Sustain Successful School Improvement

Part Four - Future Progress and Prospects

Organisational Democracy, Trust and The Progressive Distribution of Leadership

Successful Leadership: Contexts, Claims and Qualities

Christopher Day is Professor Emeritus at the School of Education in the University of Nottingham, UK.

Pam Sammons is a Professor of Education at the Department of Education, University of Oxford and a Senior Research Fellow of Jesus College, Oxford, UK.

Ken Leithwood is Professor Emeritus of Educational Leadership and Policy at OISE/University of Toronto, Canada.

David Hopkins is Professor Emeritus at the Institute of Education, University of London, UK.

Qing Gu, is an Associate Professor in the School of Education, University of Nottingham, UK.

Eleanor J. Brown is a Research Associate and PhD student in the School of Education, University of Nottingham, UK.

Elpida Ahtaridou is a Principal Researcher at LSN.

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