Delarue | Rapid Sensory Profiling Techniques | Buch | 978-0-08-101332-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 584 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 880 g


Rapid Sensory Profiling Techniques

Applications in New Product Development and Consumer Research
Erscheinungsjahr 2016
ISBN: 978-0-08-101332-8
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Applications in New Product Development and Consumer Research

Buch, Englisch, 584 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 880 g

ISBN: 978-0-08-101332-8
Verlag: Elsevier Science & Technology

Sensory analysis is an important tool in new product development. There has recently been significant development in the methods used to capture sensory perception of a product. Rapid Sensory Profiling Techniques provides a comprehensive review of rapid methods for sensory analysis that can be used as alternatives or complementary to conventional descriptive methods. Part one looks at the evolution of sensory perception capture methods. Part two focuses on rapid methods used to capture sensory perception, and part three covers their applications in new product development and consumer research. Finally, part four explores the applications of rapid methods in testing specific populations.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part One: Evolution of the methods used for sensory profiling  1. The use of rapid sensory methods in R&D and research: an introduction / J. Delarue 2. Alternative methods of sensory testing: advantages and disadvantages / H. Stone 3. Measuring sensory perception in relation to consumer behavior / J.E. Hayes 4. Insights into measuring emotional response in sensory and consumer research / M. Ng, J. Hort 5. Expedited procedures for conceptual profiling of brands, products and packaging / D.M.H. Thomson 

Part Two: Rapid methods for sensory profiling  6.Flash Profile, its evolution and uses in sensory and consumer science / J. Delarue 7. Free sorting as a sensory profiling technique for product development / P. Courcoux, E.M. Qannari, P. Faye  8.Free multiple sorting as a sensory profiling technique / C. Dehlholm  9.Napping and sorted Napping as a sensory profiling technique / S. Lê, T.M. Lê, M. Cadoret  10. Polarized sensory positioning (PSP) as a sensory profiling technique / E. Teillet 11. Check-all-that-apply (CATA) questions with consumers in practice: experimental considerations and impact on outcome / G. Ares, S.R. Jaeger 12. Open-ended questions in sensory testing practice / B. Piqueras-Fiszman  13. Temporal dominance of sensations (TDS) as a sensory profiling technique / N. Pineau, P. Schilch  14. Ideal profiling as a sensory profiling technique / T. Worch, P.H. Punter   Part Three: Applications in new product development and consumer research 15. Adoption and use of Flash Profiling in daily new product development: a testimonial / C. Petit, E. Vanzeveren  16. Improving team tasting in the food industry / M. Rogeaux  17. Alternative methods of sensory testing: working with chefs, culinary professionals and brew masters / M.B. Frøst, D. Giacalone, K.K. Rasmussen 18. Sensory testing with flavourists: challenges and solutions / B. Veinand  19. Projective Flash Profile from experts to consumers: a way to reveal fragrance language / S. Ballay, E. Loescher, G. Gazano 20. Use of rapid sensory methods in the automotive industry / D. Blumenthal, N. Herbeth 21. Testing consumer insight using mobile devices: a case study of a sensory consumer journey conducted with the help of mobile research / D. Lutsch, R. Möslein, M. Strack, S. Kunze   Part Four: Applications in sensory testing with specific populations and methodological consequences 22. Sensory testing in new product development: working with children / S. Nicklaus  23. Sensory testing in new product development: working with older people / I. Maitre, R. Symoneaux, C. Sulmont-Rossé  24. Empathy and ExperimentT: dealing with the algebra of the mind to  understand and change food habits 509 / H.R. Moskowitz, M. Reisner, L. Ettinger. Lieberman, B. Batalvi, M. Beg


Delarue, Julien
Julien Delarue is Assistant Professor of Sensory & Consumer Science at the University of California Davis. His research focuses on methods to measure consumer sensory perception and preferences and on their effective use in R&D. He seeks to develop high validity consumer-oriented methods. His research explores the role of context in hedonic measures using immersive environments and digital technologies. He also works to develop and validate rapid and flexible descriptive analysis methods with application to new product development and consumer research. Formerly a Professor at AgroParisTech in the food science and technology joint research unit with INRAE and Université Paris-Saclay, he has served as the Chair of the French Society for Sensory Analysis (SFAS) and of the European Sensory Science Society (E3S).

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