Designing Libraries for the 21st Century | Buch | 978-0-8389-3676-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 462 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 1860 g

Designing Libraries for the 21st Century

Buch, Englisch, 462 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 279 mm, Gewicht: 1860 g

ISBN: 978-0-8389-3676-4
Verlag: American Library Association

The 21st century has seen a transformational shift in the design of college and research libraries, one focused more on user experience and engagement than on collections. Dramatic changes in library design have been driven by changes in the core functions of universities and colleges: the reliance on digital tools and content, integration of technologies into pedagogy and research, and emphasis on the active and social aspects of learning, inclusion, and community engagement. Planning for these vibrant spaces needs to incorporate new program and staffing strategies, robust technical infrastructure, human-centered design, and flexibility to enable ongoing change.

Designing Libraries for the 21st Century explores these trends and identifies promising strategies for new or renovated library space. The book features an impressive array of authors drawn largely from the conference of the same name, providing guidance, principles, and a wealth of creative ideas for spaces, technology, programs, and partnerships. Twenty-nine chapters packed with full color images and illustrations explore these themes:

  - 21st-Century Academic Libraries in an Evolving Environment
- Aligning with the Institutional Vision
- Working with Architects, Designers, and Planners
- Key Issues in Planning
- Collaborations and Convergence
- Leadership, Organizational Change, and New Staff Roles
- Programming for Research, Learning, and Community
- Looking Ahead 
Often major building projects focus primarily on the physical facility, but this volume makes the case for designing libraries in a much more holistic fashion. Today all types of libraries are engaged in reimagining their roles and the spatial design through which this new vision will be realized.

Both inspirational and practical, Designing Libraries for the 21st Century is a must read for librarians, architects, planners, academic leaders, and anyone interested in the future of libraries.
Designing Libraries for the 21st Century jetzt bestellen!


Weitere Infos & Material

- Introduction
Tom Hickerson, Joan K. Lippincott, and Leonora Crema
- Section I. 21st-Century Academic Libraries in an Evolving Environment
Chapter 1. Permeable Thinking and Design: Libraries and the Changing Knowledge Ecosystem
Tom Hickerson
- Chapter 2. Library as Platform: The Transformed Library’s Impact on Teaching, Learning, and Research
Gregory K. Raschke
- Chapter 3. Library as Laboratory: Transforming Scholarly Services and Spaces
Harriette Hemmasi
- Chapter 4. 21st-Century Libraries for Students: Learning and Belonging
Joan K. Lippincott
- Section II. Aligning with the Institutional Vision
Chapter 5. “A Positive Disruption within the Urban Fabric”: The Charles Library and Institutional Mission at Temple University
Joseph P. Lucia
- Chapter 6. The University of Arizona Student Success District: Vital Signs of Library Alignment with the Institutional Vision at Scale
Shan C. Sutton
- Chapter 7. Vision, Advocacy, Narrative, Outreach: Strategic Communication for New Library Buildings
John E. Ulmschneider
- Section III. Working with Architects, Designers, and Planners
Chapter 8. Translations: Optimizing Collaborations between Librarians and Their Designers
Andrew Frontini
- Chapter 9. It’s a Team Effort: Roles and Responsibilities of Project Team Members
Stephen Dantzer
- Chapter 10. The Role of the Librarian on the Project Team
Patrick Deaton
- Chapter 11. The Designer’s Lens: How Architects See Space
Janette Blackburn and Carole Wedge
- Section IV. Key Issues in Planning
Chapter 12. From Collections to Connections: Rethinking the Print Presence and Use of Space on Campus
Leonora Crema
- Chapter 13. Technology and Interactive Experiences
Kristin Antelman and David Woodbury
- Chapter 14. Service Innovation from Outside In and Inside Out
Ameet Doshi and Elliot Felix
- Chapter 15. Design Inclusive Spaces with Accessibility and Universal Design
Carli Spina
- Section V. Collaborations and Convergence
Chapter 16. Cocreating the Commons: Campus Partnerships at the Heart of Two Library Space Design Projects at the University of Miami
Kelly E. Miller, Roxane Pickens, and Kineret Ben-Knaan
- Chapter 17. A Renovation Solidifies a Partnership: The Odegaard Writing and Research Center
John Danneker
- Chapter 18. The Convergence of Knowledge and Culture: Collaborations Creating a New Footprint for the Future
Tom Hickerson
- Section VI. Leadership, Organizational Change, and New Staff Roles
Chapter 19. Effecting Transformational Change Leads to Transformational Spaces
Mary Ann Mavrinac
- Chapter 20. It’s Not a Space, It’s a Philosophy: Designing a High-Purpose Culture within Your Learning Environment
Brian Mathews
- Chapter 21. Reimagining the Library Workforce
Catherine Murray-Rust
- Section VII. Programming for Research, Learning, and Community
Chapter 22. Foregrounding Users in Humanities-centric Labs
Catherine DeRose and Peter Leonard
- Chapter 23. On the Edge: Balancing Space and Services in a Digital Scholarship Program
Liz Milewicz, Joel Herndon, and Brittany Wofford
- Chapter 24. Reimagining Special Collections
Mimi Calter
- Chapter 25. Supporting the Research Experience: Creating a Hub for Interdisciplinary Collaboration
John Brosz
- Chapter 26. An Academic “Ecotone”: The Wilmeth Active Learning Center, Purdue University
James L. Mullins
- Chapter 27. Serving the Broad Needs of Community through a Patron-Centered, Partnership-Focused, Inclusive Approach
Sarah Meilleur
- Chapter 28. A 21st-Century Program for the Library: Serving the Broad Needs of the Community
Sohair F. Wastawy
- Section VIII. Looking Ahead
Tom Hickerson, Joan K. Lippincott, and Leonora Crema
- Appendix A. Interview with Tom Hickerson
Joan K. Lippincott
- Appendix B. Saluting Joan K. Lippincott
Tom Hickerson
- Appendix C. Remembering Susan K. Nutter
Gregory K. Raschke
- About the Editors and Contributors

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