Digital Communication | Buch | 978-93-87472-83-9 |

Buch, Englisch, 372 Seiten, Paperback

Digital Communication

Buch, Englisch, 372 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-93-87472-83-9
Verlag: PHI Learning

The book, organised in ten chapters, comprehensively presents the concepts pertaining to digital communication in a very simplified manner. Mathematical intricacies of ideas which form the bedrock of digital communication such as sampling, baseband data transmission, information theory, error control coding, and modulation are presented in a style understandable to an undergraduate student. Each and every topic, no matter how simple it seems, is followed by solved examples. Besides, additional information on certain topics are provided in appropriate annexures. Thus, the flow of the topics is not interrupted with unnecessary deviations from the viewpoint of an average student, whereas at the same time, the brighter students can go through these annexures to gain extra knowledge.

The book is primarily intended for the undergraduate students of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, and Telecommunication Engineering offered in various Indian universities. The text is also of immense use to the aspirants of AMIE exam and AMIETE exam.

Key Features - Solved problems and exercises at the end of each chapter are provided from practice point of view.
- Chapter-end references are given for further exploration of several advanced topics touched upon in the text.
- Numerous figures and tables are included to help grasp the concepts discussed.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Preface
- Acknowledgements
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Analogue to Digital Conversion—Part 1: Sampling Process
- 3. Analogue to Digital Conversion—Part 2: Pulse Modulation Techniques
- 4. Digital Communication over Band-limited Channels
- 5. Signal Detection and Parameter Estimation Theory
- 6. Digital Modulation and Demodulation Techniques—
- Part 1: Coherent Detection
- 7. Digital Modulation and Demodulation Techniques—
- Part 2: Non-Coherent Detection
- 8. Information Theory and Coding—Part 1: Basic Theorems
- 9. Information Theory and Coding—Part 2: Error Control Coding
- 10. Multiplexing Techniques
- Index

M. Sathish Kumar, Ph.D., is Professor, Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, Manipal Institute of Technology, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, India. Earlier, he has served as a faculty member in the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department at Dr. T.M.A. Pai Polytechnic, Manipal, India. He has also worked with the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the Seoul National University for a period of three years in the capacity of a Research Assistant Professor, first under the ISEF program of the Korea Foundation for Advanced Studies and later under the BK21 program.

His areas of interest include Optical and Wireless Communication Systems and Nanophotonics. He has authored/co-authored nearly 50 papers in refereed journals and conference proceedings. Besides, Dr. Kumar is an associate member of the Institution of Engineers (India) and he has acted as a reviewer for several technical journals.

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