Dizionario Oxford Study per studenti d'inglese | Medienkombination | 978-0-19-484097-2 | sack.de

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 140 mm x 215 mm, Gewicht: 690 g

Dizionario Oxford Study per studenti d'inglese

Updated edition of this bilingual dictionary specifically written for Italian-speaking learners of English

Medienkombination, Englisch, Format (B × H): 140 mm x 215 mm, Gewicht: 690 g

ISBN: 978-0-19-484097-2
Verlag: Oxford University Press

This revised edition of the Dizionario Oxford Study per studenti d'inglese is the ideal reference companion for Italian-speaking students. It contains all the vocabulary and help students need to prepare for the Esame di Stato and Gradi del Trinity or similar school-leaving examinations, as well as for KET and PET examinations.

The example sentences are corpus-based, which means they are authentic,
natural, and up-to-date. Usage notes throughout the
dictionary explain difficult or confusing words or phrases, or give extra information about an aspect of life or language in Britain and America. Using this dictionary, students not only learn the meaning of the word, but also how to use it correctly.

The Oxford 3000? keywords are highlighted to help students identify the most important words to learn.

Also included is an integrated Personal Dictionary Trainer, which provides useful reference
and practice exercises to help
students prepare for the Esame di Stato, Gradi del Trinity and KET and PET examinations.

New in this edition is an 'I can talk about.' section which helps students to expand their topic vocabulary, and then encourages them to make active use of it. This section also helps students to develop their dictionary skills and to make the most of the dictionary.

Illustrations help students to understand difficult
words, and study pages provide useful information for
reference, including false friends, geographical names, expressions involving numbers, and maps of Great Britain, the United States of America and Canada, Australia and New Zealand, and the European Union.

With its clear layout and two-colour design, the Dizionario Oxford Study per studenti d'inglese is an easy-to-use, practical reference companion for Italian-speaking students.
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