Doing Your Research Project in the Lifelong Learning Sector | Buch | 978-0-335-24615-1 |

Buch, Englisch

Doing Your Research Project in the Lifelong Learning Sector

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-24615-1
Verlag: Open University Press

This book guides student researchers through the different stages of small-scale or practitioner research, a common component of study for students training to work in the lifelong learning sector. The authors look at the entire research journey, from planning a research topic and framing research questions, through the process of data collection and analysis, to writing up and presentation.

Using a step-by-step approach the book tackles common thorny issues such as:

- Understanding the different genres of research

- Discussion of qualitative and quantitative approaches to research

- The importance of forming research questions and of locating them within current research literature

- How to do a literature review

- Dealing with permissions, access and ethics

- The nuts and bolts of research methods

- Interpreting data and writing up research findings

Together with case studies and examples of real-life research projects that have been completed by the authors’ own students, this book tackles research in a student-friendly and accessible style, carefully unpacking and defining the different terms, concepts and theories that students need to know when beginning research for the first time.

This book is essential reading for students who are training to work in the lifelong learning sector or practitioners who are undertaking CPD to maintain their license to practice.
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Jonathan Tummons is Senior Lecturer in Education and co-convener of the Education and Work-Based Learning Research Group at Teesside University, UK.

Vicky Duckworth is Senior Lecturer and Course Leader for the full-time PCET course and Schools Projects Lead at Edge Hill University, UK.

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