Dominguez / Pereira / Kraan | Functional Ingredients from Algae for Foods and Nutraceuticals | Buch | 978-0-323-98819-3 |

Buch, Englisch, 700 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

Dominguez / Pereira / Kraan

Functional Ingredients from Algae for Foods and Nutraceuticals

2. Auflage 2023
ISBN: 978-0-323-98819-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Buch, Englisch, 700 Seiten, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm, Gewicht: 1000 g

ISBN: 978-0-323-98819-3
Verlag: William Andrew Publishing

Functional Ingredients from Algae for Foods and Nutraceuticals, Second Edition presents an overview on the composition, properties and potential to develop novel ingredients and additives for functional foods and nutraceuticals. This revised edition includes recent data on the composition and biological properties of algae, along with examples of the development of novel algae products and their performance. It includes a new chapter on both conventional and green technologies for product development and will be of interest to nutrition researchers, food technologists and marine scientists, as well as those with an interest in natural product development.
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Nutrition researchers, food technologists, and marine scientists, as well as those with interest in natural products

Weitere Infos & Material

Section 1: Introduction 1. Algae as a source of biologically active ingredients for the formulation of functional foods and nutraceuticals 2. Challenges for the development of functional foods and nutraceuticals from algae 3. Seaweeds foods and their nutritional value 4.Green extraction of bioactive compounds from microalgae and seaweeds

Section 2: Major components 5. Algal polysaccharides 6. Phenolic compounds 7. Algal proteins, peptides and amino acids 8. Algal lipids, fatty acids and sterols 9. Minerals, pigments and minor compounds in algae

Section 3: Biological properties 10. Antioxidant activity of compounds isolated from algae 11. Antimicrobial activity of compounds isolated from algae 12. Anticancer agents derived from algae 13. Anti-inflammatory properties of algae 14. Algae and cardiovascular-health 15. Gastric and hepatic protective effects of algal components 16. Anti-obesity and anti-diabetic activities of algae 17. Neuroprotection 18. High-intensity energy performance 19. Inmunostimulant properites of algae

Section 4: Novel foods and nutraceuticals 20. Prebiotic properties of algae and algae-supplemented products 21. Development of nutraceuticals containing marine algal oils 22. Design of healthy foods and beverages containing whole algae 23. Algal hydrocolloids for the delivery of active compounds 24. Cosmeceuticals from algae 25. Algae for the formulation of gluten-free bakery products 26. Spirulina for the food and functional food industries

Dominguez, Herminia
Dr. Herminia Domínguez received her PhD Degree in Chemistry from the University of Santiago de Compostela. She is professor of Chemical Engineering at University of Vigo (Spain), where she has been working on the extraction of bioactive compounds from underutilized and residual sources using green technologies, particularly pressurized solvents and membrane technology.

Kraan, Stefan
Dr Kraan is co-founder and Director of R&D at Oceana Organic Products Ltd and Aquaceuticals Ltd, Ireland - two companies that focus on human food, food applications and ingredients using (edible) seaweeds. He moved to Ireland to pursue a PhD on phylogenetics and aquaculture of edible seaweeds at the National University of Ireland, Galway in 1998. He became manager of the Irish Seaweed Industry Organisation (1998), established the Irish Seaweed Centre (2001), and Ocean Harvest Technology (2009), a company dedicated in using seaweeds for animal health and production. After 8 years he resigned to pursue and develop some commercial ideas using seaweeds for a variety of purposes amongst them functional food ingredients for human food and novel algae cultivation systems for biomass production.

Pereira, Leonel
Dr. Leonel Pereira has a degree in Biology (Scientific branch), a PhD Degree in Biology (Cell Biology specialty) and an Aggregate title (Biosciences, specialty in Biotechnology), from the Faculty of Science and Technology of the University of Coimbra, where he is currently a Professor. In addition to teaching at this university, he is also an integrated researcher at MARE (Center for Marine and Environmental Sciences). His interests are mainly focused on the areas of Marine Biodiversity (algae), Marine Biotechnology (bioactive compounds from algae) and Marine Ecology (environmental assessment).

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