Douglas | Survival in Groups | Buch | 978-0-335-23140-9 |

Buch, Englisch


Survival in Groups

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23140-9
Verlag: Open University Press

In his latest book, Tom Douglas turns his attention to the skills of group membership. While there is an extensive literature on basic groupwork practice, none of the existing books address the functions of groups exclusively from the viewpoint of members.

Survival in Groups examines the influences and pressures which can exist in groups and explains what to look for in order to see these factors at work. It stresses the fact that the ability to see the processes of a group in action can enable group members to make consciously directed contributions to the group based on an understanding of what is involved. The final chapters discuss methods of integrating personal learning about group outcomes.

Illustrated throughout with practice-based examples, Survival in Groups is aimed at the many students of social work, counselling, nursing and social care who are required to participate in groups, but who are unclear about what this involves. With its summaries, lists of basic concepts and brief annotated bibliography, the book will also be of use to busy professionals in the social care field where teamwork or groupwork is emphasised.
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Weitere Infos & Material

The book
Aims, bases and uses
Groups! what are they?
Different ways of "seeing" behaviour in groups
explanations and theories
What goes on in a group?
The influences at work in a group
Presentations and perceptions
resources and differences
Surviving in a group
The rewards, costs and dangers of group membership
Affecting group outcomes
working in groups
Learning from experience
putting it all together and using it

The Author

Tom Douglas has worked as a group therapist, psychiatric social worker, lectured in social work and social psychology at the University of Keele and latterly has operated as a freelance groupwork consultant. He has run groupwork workshops for thirty years for professionals and volunteers in the caring professions and has written widely on the theory and practice of working in and with groups.

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