Dowling / Mullally / Savage | Civil Procedure in the District Court | Buch | 978-0-414-03697-0 |

Buch, Englisch

Dowling / Mullally / Savage

Civil Procedure in the District Court

2. Auflage 2014
ISBN: 978-0-414-03697-0
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-414-03697-0
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

Civil Practice in the District Court by Dowling and Savage is a unique work devoted to proceedings in the District Court. Written by practitioners for practitioners, it is the first time that District Court practice and procedure has been compiled and analysed to this degree. The result is a unique work that formulates the law and procedure in this Court in a thorough and complete manner.

Expertise and Support when you need it

Just think how much time you can now save with this indispensible text to hand. Its on your desk for research, or in Court when something unexpected comes up which needs to be clarified there and then. Without doubt, it is a must-have publication that brings you valuable clarity to District Court proceedings.

1.Makes District Court civil practice and procedure accessible Formulates the law and procedure in the District Court making it clear and unambiguous for the very first time.

2.Unique The only up-to-date reference to civil practice and procedure in the District Court.

3.Up to date and comprehensive including the recent District Court (Intoxicating Liquor Act 2008) Rules 2009

- Invaluable addition to your library:

- Gives you the confidence to litigate in Court as the practice and procedure is now interpreted in a very rational way

- Has a logical format allows quick and easy access to the information that you need

- Saves time and costs as all that you need is available to you at this one source

- Contains all significant developments in the District Court over the past 10 years

- Accompanied by detailed expert analysis

- Provides extensive coverage of key practice areas such as Family, Liquor Licensing Law and Landlord and Tenant

- Includes Appendices comprising of relevant Proceedings, Offices and Forms

Dowling / Mullally / Savage Civil Procedure in the District Court jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Karl Dowling, LL.B., LL.M., Barrister-at-Law, Attorney-at-Law (New York) is a practising Barrister and the author of Civil Procedure in the Circuit Court and Equity and Trusts Nutshell. Prior to being called to the Bar of Ireland, he worked for a number of years with Pearts Solicitors.

Brendan Savage, B.A. (Hons), Barrister-at-Law is a practising barrister and has previously edited the text Civil Procedure in the Circuit Court and has also worked with Karl Dowling on previous

Karl Dowling, LL.B., LL.M., Barrister-at-Law, Attorney-at-Law (New York) is a practising Barrister and the author of Civil Procedure in the Circuit Court and Equity and Trusts Nutshell. Prior to being called to the Bar of Ireland, he worked for a number of years with Pearts Solicitors.

Brendan Savage, B.A. (Hons), Barrister-at-Law is a practising barrister and has previously edited the text Civil Procedure in the Circuit Court and has also worked with Karl Dowling on previous

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