Earth Science Lab Investigations: Geology, Oceanography AND Meteorology | Buch | 978-1-7924-9491-8 |

Buch, Englisch, 277 Seiten, Paperback

Earth Science Lab Investigations: Geology, Oceanography AND Meteorology

Buch, Englisch, 277 Seiten, Paperback

ISBN: 978-1-7924-9491-8
Verlag: Kendall Hunt Publishing Company

Earth Science Lab Investigations: Geology, Oceanography & Meteorology provides a hands-on laboratory experience for introductory earth-science students. This manual/kit package offers a full-range of earth-science topics to include lab exercises in geology, oceanography, and meteorology. It is also supplemented with video tutorials (accessed through an online site) that help bring clarity to the material presented.The lab manual itself features a unique approach to earth-science education. Whereas most academic earth-science publications demonstrate old-earth and evolutionary commitments, this text promotes a decidedly young-earth creationist worldview, while at the same time, adhering to the principles and practices of ""good science."" This is truly a laboratory and kit like no other!Featuring beautiful color images throughout, Earth Science Lab Investigations: Geology, Oceanography & Meteorology is comprised of eight chapters that include student-friendly pedagogical features such as: Purpose statements Learning objectives Material lists Laboratory overviews Glossary terms and definitions Laboratory Exercises Scripture Focus vignettes
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