Eastmond / Taylor / Yeh | Glencoe Nursing Assistant Fundamentals: A Patient Centered Approach | Buch | 978-0-02-802424-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1360 g

Eastmond / Taylor / Yeh

Glencoe Nursing Assistant Fundamentals: A Patient Centered Approach

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 215 mm x 276 mm, Gewicht: 1360 g

ISBN: 978-0-02-802424-0
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Vignettes that put students in real-life situations are among theways that Glencoe Nursing Assistant Fundamentals takes stu-dentsbeyond the confines of textbook learning to prepare themfor the rigors and rewards of careers as nursing assistants. Com-biningtechnical instruction and concepts in patient-centered care,this new text focuses on both the technical skills and the humanrelations skills required of a nursing assistant.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Table of Contents:Part 1: THE NURSING ASSISTANT AND THE HEALTH CARE WORK PLACE.Chapter 1: The Nursing AssistantChapter 2: Workplaces in the Health Care IndustryChapter 3: Legal Rights, Ethics, and CommunicationChapter 4: The PatientChapter 5: Human Growth and DevelopmentChapter 6: SafetyChapter 7: Emergency CareChapter 8: Getting a Job as a Nursing Assistant.Part 2: THE HUMAN BODY.Chapter 9: Health and the Human Body. Chapter 10: Anatomy and PhysiologyChapter 11: Standard Precautions: Infection, Disease, and Disability.Part 3: THE LANGUAGE OF HEALTH CARE.Chapter 12: Medical Terminology.Chapter 13: Communication in the Facility Observing, Charting, and Reporting. Part 4: PATIENT CARE.Chapter 14: Care of the Resident’s Room.Chapter 15: Admission, Transfer and Discharge. Chapter 16: Body Mechanics.Chapter 17: Patient Rehabilitation. Chapter 18: Personal Care in a Long-Term Care FacilityChapter 19: Assisting the Elderly in Long-Term CareChapter 20:. Vital Signs and Measurements.Chapter 21: Nutrition. Chapter 22: Elimination and Sample Collection. Chapter 23: Caring for Patients with Chronic Illnesses. Chapter 24: Caring for the Surgical Patient. Chapter 25: Patient Examinations and Therapies. Part 5: HOME AND SPECIAL CARE. Chapter 26 Home Health Care.Chapter 27 Understanding Mental HealthChapter 28: Caring for the Newborn. Chapter 29 Caring for the Postpartum Patient. Chapter 30: Caring for the Terminally Illnesses. Chapter 31 Death and Postmortem Care.

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