Eck | On Common Ground | Buch | 978-0-231-12750-9 |

Buch, Englisch


On Common Ground

World Religions in America

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-231-12750-9
Verlag: Columbia University Press

Masterfully combining text, video, graphics, music, and the voices of believers, On Common Ground maps an extraordinarily diverse culture of faith. It now offers live easy access to the best Web resources about each religion with URL's that take the user to such sites as the Jain Meditation International Center, the Punjabi American Heritage Society (Sikhs), and the Zarathustrian Assembly. On Common Ground is the best resource to find comprehensive multimedia summaries of the fundamental beliefs and practices of all faiths and the transformation of old traditions into new settings. A comprehensive directory lists all mosques, temples, and gurdwaras, and other new religious centers throughout America -- enlarged by over 50% from the first edition. The CD-ROM also presents profiles of leaders, such as Siraj Wahhaj, the first Muslim cleric to give the opening prayer in the U.S. Senate; nearly 2000 photographs illustrating places of worship; and over 100 printable documents -- from the writings of Jefferson and de Tocqueville to a Buddhist statement on school prayer.System RequirementsWindows: IBM PC or 100% compatible, 486 33MHZ processor or better; 640x480 256-color display; Microsoft Windows 3.1 or later, 2x CD-ROM drive; 8 MB RAM. 16 bit sound card wtih speakers and headphones.
Macintosh 68030 or later; MacOS System 7.1 or later, color monitor; 2x CD-ROM drive; 8 MB RAM.
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