Eder / Foxton | Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading | Buch | 978-0-414-03134-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 768 Seiten

Reihe: Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading

Eder / Foxton

Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading

Mainwork & Supplement
ISBN: 978-0-414-03134-0
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

Buch, Englisch, 768 Seiten

Reihe: Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading

ISBN: 978-0-414-03134-0
Verlag: Sweet & Maxwell

Scrutton on Charterparties and Bills of Lading:

- Provides an overview of the legal principles of Charterparties and Bills of Lading based on Scrutton’s original commentary and the accrued experience of previous authors

- Covers the different types of charterparties: time charters, voyage charters, and demise charters, and lays out the nature, validity, and construction of each

- Provides a first port of call for research when both drafting and disputing contracts

- Helps clarify uncertainties in points of principle, illustrating them through a wide variety of case material

- Deals with the contractual and technical challenges involved in the legal administration of leasing a commercial ship

- Covers the 100 new related cases since the last edition

- Defines bills of lading as contracts, and examines the liability of the shipowner for loss of or damage to goods

- Examines the issue of damages for failure to load or carry cargo properly or in reasonable time

- Looks at the consequences of not signing or presenting bills of lading

- Discusses limitation of liability

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