Computers & Industrial Engineering | Pergamon | Zeitschrift |

Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

Computers & Industrial Engineering

ISSN 03608352


Zeitschrift, Englisch

Erscheinungsweise: monatlich

ISSN 03608352

Industrial engineering is one of the earliest fields to utilize computers in research, education, and practice. Over the years, computers and electronic communication have become an integral part of industrial engineering. Computers & Industrial Engineering (CAIE) is aimed at an audience of researchers, educators and practitioners of industrial engineering and associated fields.

It publishes original contributions on the development of new computerized methodologies for solving industrial engineering problems, as well as the applications of those methodologies to problems of interest in the broad industrial engineering and associated communities. The journal encourages submissions that expand the frontiers of the fundamental theories and concepts underlying industrial engineering techniques.

CAIE also serves as a venue for articles evaluating the state-of-the-art of computer applications in various industrial engineering and related topics, and research in the utilization of computers in industrial engineering education. Papers reporting on applications of industrial engineering techniques to real life problems are welcome, as long as they satisfy the criteria of originality in the choice of the problem and the tools utilized to solve it, generality of the approach for applicability to other problems, and significance of the results produced.

A major aim of the journal is to foster international exchange of ideas and experiences among scholars and practitioners with shared interests all over the world.

Editor-in-Chief: Mohamed Dessouky Computers & Industrial Engineering jetzt bestellen!


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