Educational Technology and Sustainable Development | Buch | 978-1-59311-650-7 |

Buch, Englisch, Paperback

Educational Technology and Sustainable Development

Buch, Englisch, Paperback

ISBN: 978-1-59311-650-7
Verlag: Information Age Publishing

This volume seeks to provide a variety of examples of current developments in education on the role of educational technology for sustainable development, by drawing on advanced contemporary thinking from scholars and practitioners in the field. The editors and authors will attempt to define development in socio-economic, historical and cultural terms. The objectives of this book are: to analyze the philosophical, historical, political, and cultural backgrounds and contexts that are constitutive of contemporary challenges and tensions in the role of technology for sustainable development around the world; to appreciate the contextual and international dimensions of the tensions and challenges faced by education in developing countries and contribute to on-going efforts to sketch a vision for addressing their needs; and to explore ways in which technology can build and sustain communities around the world. The focus of this volume in the series is ""Educational Technology and Sustainable Development"". The book will provide a variety of theoretical perspectives and applied practices from current developments in education on issues relating to educational technology and sustainable development. We encourage submission of papers that address current trends in the role of technology and various media formats toward achieving sustainable development and bridging existing gaps between the rich and the poor, the haves and the have-nots. Research studies, case studies, theoretical papers, position papers, descriptions of current trends, syntheses of research and evaluation work are welcomed. Topics to be covered include, but are not limited to, the following: case studies of the use of technology for sustainable development; technology and environmental education; open and distance education and sustainable development; the role of technology for peace and reconciliation; education policy and sustainable development; technology and presentation of cultural heritage; education media production in developing countries; open Source movement and sustainable development; technology, reform and social justice; teacher education and development education; and technology and international/multicultural/bilingual issues.
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