Eichler | Militarizing Men | E-Book | sack.de

E-Book, Russisch, 280 Seiten

Reihe: Contemporary Western Rusistika

Eichler Militarizing Men

Gender, Conscription, and War in Post-Soviet Russia

E-Book, Russisch, 280 Seiten

Reihe: Contemporary Western Rusistika

ISBN: 979-8-88719-078-5
Verlag: De Gruyter
Format: PDF
Kopierschutz: Adobe DRM (»Systemvoraussetzungen)

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Eichler, Maya
Maya Eichler is an Associate Professor in Political and Canadian Studies and Women’s Studies at MSVU. She holds the Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation and Community Engagement and leads the Centre for Social Innovation and Community Engagement in Military Affairs at MSVU. Dr. Eichler is interested in social change and citizen engagement in the military and security sphere, with a particular emphasis on the role of gender. Dr. Eichler currently conducts research on gender, sexual violence, and the armed forces, the transition from military to civilian life, and community stories of war and peace.

Eichler Maya:
Maya Eichler is an Associate Professor in Political and Canadian Studies and Women’s Studies at MSVU. She holds the Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation and Community Engagement and leads the Centre for Social Innovation and Community Engagement in Military Affairs at MSVU. Dr. Eichler is interested in social change and citizen engagement in the military and security sphere, with a particular emphasis on the role of gender. Dr. Eichler currently conducts research on gender, sexual violence, and the armed forces, the transition from military to civilian life, and community stories of war and peace.Maya Eichler is an Associate Professor in Political and Canadian Studies and Women’s Studies at MSVU. She holds the Canada Research Chair in Social Innovation and Community Engagement and leads the Centre for Social Innovation and Community Engagement in Military Affairs at MSVU. Dr. Eichler is interested in social change and citizen engagement in the military and security sphere, with a particular emphasis on the role of gender. Dr. Eichler currently conducts research on gender, sexual violence, and the armed forces, the transition from military to civilian life, and community stories of war and peace.

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