Elton-Chalcraft / Hansen / Twiselton | Doing Classroom Research | Buch | 978-0-335-23640-4 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch

Elton-Chalcraft / Hansen / Twiselton

Doing Classroom Research

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23640-4
Verlag: Open University Press

- Are you worried about doing your classroom-based research project?

- Do you feel daunted at the prospect of carrying out a literature review?

- Does the thought of collecting and analyzing data make you panic?

If you answer 'yes' to any of these questions, then this is the book for you!

Written in an informal style, this is the essential, practical and accessible step-by-step guide for all teacher-training students, who in addition to facing the enormous challenge of training to become a teacher, also have to conduct their own classroom-based research.

It contains three sections that mirror the process of doing classroom research. From getting started and choosing appropriate research strategies, to making your findings public, the book covers the whole range of issues to help you succeed with what can seem like a daunting task.

Each of the chapters offers gentle guidance and support at every stage of the research process. Topics covered include:

- The purpose of school-based research

- Guidance on how to carry out a literature review

- Research ethics

- The impacts of research on children's and students' learning

- Methods of data collection and analysis

- Ways of sharing research with a wider audience

- Opportunities for continued professional development

Doing Classroom Research is a must for every teacher-training student.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Part 1: Introduction

Chapter 1: What's in it for me?

Chapter 2: Moving from reflective practitioner to practitioner researcher

Part 2: Getting started

Chapter 3: Survival skills

Chapter 4: Information skills for classroom research

Chapter 5: Ethical issues

Chapter 6: Reliability and validity

Part 3: Research Strategies

Chapter 7: Doing research in the classroom

Chapter 8: Intervention, innovation and creativity in the classroom: Using findings to improve practice

Chapter 9: Collaborative research

Chapter 10: Analysis of data

Part 4: Writing it up and making it public

Chapter 11: Presenting research in writing

Chapter 12: Presenting research in a range of forums

Chapter 13: Next steps

Sally Elton-Chalcraft is Course Leader for Primary Religious Studies and Module Leader for the M-level Primary PGCE Programme 'Creative and Effective Curriculum' at the University of Cumbria, UK.

Alice Hansen is Programme Leader for the full-time Primary PGCE Programme and Principal Lecturer in Mathematics Education (primary) at the University of Cumbria, UK.

Samantha Twiselton is Associate Dean in the Faculty of Education at the University of Cumbria, UK, and is Head of Initial Teacher Education for ESCalate.

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