Jürgen Engel
ist Architekt und Stadtplaner und führt das vielfach ausgezeichnete Architekturbüro KSP Engel mit Büros in Berlin, Braunschweig, Frankfurt, Hamburg, München, Beijing und Shenzhen.
Christian Welzbacher
ist Kunsthistoriker und freischaffender Autor, Herausgeber und Kurator aus Berlin.
Jürgen Engel
is an architect and principal of Frankfurt-based firm KSP Engel, with offices also in Berlin, Braunschweig, Hamburg, Munich, Beijing, and Shenzhen. One of Germany’s most established architecture firms with a history of more than eighty years and trading under its current name since 2009, KSP Engel has won some 200 national and international awards for realized buildings in Germany and China.
Christian Welzbacher
is a Berlin-based scholar of art history and freelance writer, publicist, and curator.