Entrepreneur Press | Start Your Own Clothing Store | Buch | 978-1-891984-31-0 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 173 mm x 224 mm, Gewicht: 298 g

Entrepreneur Press

Start Your Own Clothing Store

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 173 mm x 224 mm, Gewicht: 298 g

ISBN: 978-1-891984-31-0
Verlag: Open University Press

Are you fashion forward? Do you love working with the public? Is it your dream you to own and run your own business? Then it might just be time for you to marry your fashion sense and your business sense with a retail clothing business. The Limited, Banana Republic, The Gap, Urban Outfitters. All of those wildly successful clothing megachains began as small, independent stores. If you're fashion savvy, a clothing store could be your ticket to the top. You don't need any technical know-how. In fact, if you hire right and learn how the market works, you don't even need prior retailing experience- just this step-by-step guide. It gives you the inside scoop, on starting your own retail clothing store, including: - Typical start-up expenses for low-end and high-end businesses - How to spot trends and take advantage of them before your competitors do - The importance of location and how to find the best spot for your store - How to find, hire, and train the best employees - Common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid - Valuable tips on saving money during the start-up process - Ways to work more efficiently and effectively Declare your independence from bosses who don't have the know-how or drive that you know you can bring to your work! Like thousands of others, you can be your own boss, decide your own fate, set your own course and succeed by your own wit and courage. If you have the desire to help others look their best in the right clothes, this is the book that will put you on the road to establishing your own clothing empire.
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