Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies: Volume 2 | Buch | 978-0-8389-3854-6 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 352 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies: Volume 2

Creating Space for All Learners

Buch, Englisch, 352 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8389-3854-6
Verlag: American Library Association

Inclusive and equity-minded pedagogy is inspired by a rich array of theories including Black feminist thought, critical race theory, cultural humility, cultural competence, disabilities studies, universal design for learning, and critical information literacy. When we base our instruction on inclusive and equitable pedagogies, we endeavor to connect authentically with students as well as to connect classroom learning to the context of their lives. We share power with students, centering them and their varied learning preferences, and strive to create a culture of care, empathy, and humility both in and out of the classroom. When we clearly share our objectives and expectations for a learning experience, students may better understand us and the learning context we aspire to create.
In Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies: Creating Space for All Learners, seven thorough sections across two volumes examine:

  - Anti-Racist Approaches
- Intentional Information Literacy
- Engendering Care and Empathy
- Community Building
- Universal Design for Learning: An Important Benchmark
- Instructor Identity and Positionality
- Professional Development
Chapters cover topics including dismantling, reexamining, and reconstructing notions of authority in information literacy instruction; teaching technology inclusively; using primary sources to research queer and feminist histories; cocreating knowledge practices with students; prioritizing accessibility in synchronous and asynchronous learning environments; cultural humility, funds of knowledge, and information literacy instruction with first-generation students; designing and managing inclusive group projects; and much more.
To become the instructors our students need, we must adopt the mindsets and develop the underlying skills to enact inclusive and equitable teaching and learning. Exploring Inclusive & Equitable Pedagogies offers reflections, practices, and models that deepen our collective understanding of equitable and inclusive theories and practices and present new grounding for both our individual teaching and our instruction programs.
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Weitere Infos & Material

Volume 2
Section 4. Community Building
Jane Nichols
Chapter 23. Bridging Physical, Online, and Community Spaces with Digital Storytelling
Elliott Stevens, Madeline Mundt, and Perry Yee
 Chapter 24. Whose Voice Matters? Cocreating Knowledge Practices with Students in Libraries and Writing Centers
Erin Durham, David Kelly Jr., Allison Jennings-Roche, and Elaine MacDougall
Chapter 25. Student-Centered, Student-Delivered: Leading with Equity and Inclusion through a First-Year Library Ambassador Program at a Hispanic-Serving Institution
Gina Schlesselman-Tarango, Sara Durazo-DeMoss, and Barbara Herrera
Chapter 26. Making History Together: Reflections on Trust, Connection, and Finding Joy in the Archives
Kyle Denlinger, Megan Mulder, Kathy Shields, and Mir Yarfitz
Chapter 27. Inclusive Pedagogy through Digital Scholarship: A Case Study
Rebecca Fitzsimmons and Anne Shelley
Chapter 28. Fostering Community in the Library: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion as the Cornerstone in the Development of New Library Active Learning Spaces and Services
Zach Newell, Stacey Knight-Davis, and Beth Heldebrandt
Chapter 29. Let’s Take a Moment: Student Reflections and Reframing Research as a Journey
Zohra Saulat and Pamela Nett Kruger
Section 5. Universal Design for Learning
Introduction. An Important Benchmark
Robin Brown
Chapter 30. Developing Lasting Inclusive and Equitable Teaching Practices: A Tasting Menu
Sara C. Kern and Christine R. Elliott
Chapter 31. Prioritizing Accessibility in Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning Environments
Lauren Wittek and Rachel Fager
Chapter 32. Using an Interactive Tutorial to Achieve Inclusivity in a Flipped Information Literacy Class
Madeline Ruggiero
Chapter 33. Choose Your Own Adventure: The Use of Flexible Online Asynchronous Instruction for Information Literacy
Megan Wilson
Chapter 34. Lived and Learned Experience with Accessible and Inclusive Pedagogy
Angie Brunk
Chapter 35. Bodies Matter: What Disability and Watching People Learn to Sing Taught Me about Teaching Information Literacy
Maria Kingsbury
Section 6. Instructor Identity and Positionality
Ariana Santiago
Chapter 36. Embracing the Early Career: Reflections on Creating Space as Teachers and Learners in Library Instruction
Carol Fisher and Sam Buechler
Chapter 37. Learning to Put People First: Cultural Humility, Funds of Knowledge, and Information Literacy Instruction with First-Generation Students
Darren Ilett
Chapter 38. Applying Columbia University’s Guide for Inclusive Teaching to the One-Shot: A Reflective Essay
Breanne Crumpton and Michelle K. Mitchell
Chapter 39. Teaching from the Outside: Inclusive Pedagogy and the Adjunct Instructor
Nicole Pagowsky, Shanti Freundlich, Rachel Gammons, and Emily Drabinski
Section 7. Professional Development
Ariana Santiago
Chapter 40. Enabling Inclusive and Equitable Teaching Practices through Instructor Development
Jane Hammons, Amanda L. Folk, Katie Blocksidge, and Hanna Primeau
Chapter 41. Designing and Managing Inclusive Group Projects
Laura Saunders
Chapter 42. Engaging through Conversation: Community Building for Inclusive Library Instruction
Christopher Lowder, David X. Lemmons, and Ashley Blinstrub
Chapter 43. It Starts with Us: Exploring Inclusive Pedagogies through Relational Learning Approaches among Library Workers
Lalitha Nataraj, Torie QuiÑonez, April Ibarra Siqueiros, Talitha R. Matlin, Judy Opdahl, Amanda Kalish, Yvonne Nalani Meulemans, Allison Carr, and Tricia Lantzy
Conclusion. A Call to Action
About the Editors
About the Authors

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