Fairclough | Supporting Learners in the Lifelong Learning Sector | Buch | 978-0-335-23756-2 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch


Supporting Learners in the Lifelong Learning Sector

Buch, Englisch

ISBN: 978-0-335-23756-2
Verlag: Open University Press

"Marilyn Fairclough has brought her humanity, focus and gentleness to a book which will be required reading for any teacher dealing with lifelong learners. We know that many such learners are vulnerable and uncertain. The book is crammed with practical tips, is underpinned by her wisdom and wide experience and will do much to answer the question that runs through the entire book: how, exactly, do you put learners at the centre of the process at the same time as delivering a demanding curriculum?"

Jenny Rogers, Director of Management Futures Ltd, UK

"It comes as no surprise that Marilyn Fairclough has written such an excellent book. It is 'bang up to date' with her referencing of the LLUK standards. The additional references at the end of each chapter will help trainee teachers contextualise the standards and relate them to their own teaching practice."

Paula Kavanagh, Aylesbury College, UK

"Having recently taught the new PTLLS and CTLLS qualifications I wish that this book had been available to recommend to learners working towards achieving these qualifications."

Ian Grant, Milton Keynes Adult Continuing Education, UK

Welcome to Supporting Learners in the Lifelong Learning Sector - the first book of its kind to deal with the topic of supporting learners in PCET, rather than just focussing on how to teach them.

This friendly and accessible book stresses the significance of support at each stage of the learning process to minimize learner drop-out and underachievement. It considers a broad range of support that learners may need from their tutors, from making a choice of learning programme to their exit and progression to further learning or employment.

Key features include:

- 'Something to Think About' at the beginning of every chapter

- Each chapter cross-referenced to the QTLS Professional Standard for those on PTLLS, CTLLS and DTLLS courses

- Real life examples from a variety of settings and subjects

- Lots of useful tips and ideas to ensure that all learners receive appropriate support

- Practical suggestions for developing classroom practice

- Suggestions for managing disruptive behaviour

- Thought-provoking activities and reflection points
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Weitere Infos & Material

Chapter 1: Introduction

Chapter 2: Who are the learners?

Chapter 3: Who gives support?

Chapter 4: What's the point of theory?

Chapter 5: What do we need to know about learners?

Chapter 6: Getting the relationships right

Chapter 7: Planning for individual needs

Chapter 8: How much do they remember?

Chapter 9: Promoting self-assessment

Chapter 10: Evaluating learners - involving the learners

Chapter 11: Communicating - what message are they getting?

Chapter 12: Personal problems

Chapter 13: Behavioural problems

Chapter 14: Disability barriers

Chapter 15: Cultural awareness

Marilyn Fairclough was Senior Lecturer in Teacher Training and Counselling at Aylesbury College, UK. She now divides her time between delivering QTLS qualification courses at Haydon Training Business College and external moderating for the Open College.

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