Fan / Wang / Liu | Energy Research and Power Engineering 2014 | Sonstiges | 978-3-03795-856-8 |

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volumes 986-987, 2250 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Advanced Materials Research

Fan / Wang / Liu

Energy Research and Power Engineering 2014

Erscheinungsjahr 2014
ISBN: 978-3-03795-856-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Sonstiges, Englisch, Band Volumes 986-987, 2250 Seiten, Format (B × H): 125 mm x 142 mm, Gewicht: 200 g

Reihe: Advanced Materials Research

ISBN: 978-3-03795-856-8
Verlag: Trans Tech Publications

Collection of selected, peer reviewed papers from the 2014 International Conference on Energy Research and Power Engineering (ERPE'14), May 17-18, 2014, Dalian, China.

The 477 papers are grouped as follows:

Chapter 1: Semiconductors, Materials and Processing Technologies in Energy and Power Industry,

Chapter 2: Power System and Energy Engineering, Its Applications,

Chapter 3: Environmental Engineering and Resource Development in Energy Industry,

Chapter 4: Design and Research of Components and Mechanisms of Energy Equipment and Installations,

Chapter 5: Electrical Machines, Mechatronics, Automation and Control,

Chapter 6: Computation Methods and Algorithms for Modeling, Simulation and Optimization,

Chapter 7: Measurement and Instrumentation, Monitoring, Testing, Detection and Identification Technologies,

Chapter 8: Power and Electric Research, Electronics and Microelectronics, Embedded and Integrated Systems and Aplications,

Chapter 9: Communication,

Chapter 10: Information Technologies

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Z-Transform Implementation of the CFS-PML for Truncating 3D Meta-Material FDTD DomainsA Numerical Method for Ge-Profile of Microwave Power Device Based on Si/Si1-x/SiAdsorption and Separation Research of CO2/CH4 on Modified Activated Carbon FiberAnalyze the Effect of Thermal Conductivity of Cold Insulation Materials in Cryogenic EngineeringApplication of Hall Effect in Semiconductor MaterialCloning and Analysis of MeCWINV6 Promoter from Biofuel Plant Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz)Co-Cracking of Bio-Oil Model Compound Mixture and Ethanol with Different Blending Ratios for Bio-Gasoline ProductionComposite Electrolyte Containing Binary Ionic Liquids and LiDFOB Additive on the Performance of Graphite Anode in Li-Ion BatteryDetermination of the Collapse and Transfer Pressure for Monomolecular Layer of Copper (II) PhthalocyanineDetermination of the Optical Constants of Gallium Oxide FilmsEffect of Different Radios of Two Complexes on the Structural and Optical Properties of ZnS Thin FilmsEffect of the Concentrations of the Reactants on Electrochemical Performance of Composite Cathode Material LiFePO4/CEffect of UV Radiation on HTV-Silicon Rubber under Different HumidityElectro-Catalytic Performance of Different Pt/Ag Ratio on H2O2 Electro-Reduction for Direct NaBH4-H2O2 Fuel CellElectrodeposition of ZnO Thin Films on a Flexible Conductive SubstratesEquilibrium Analysis on Sulfur Material in Oxyfuel CombustionExperimental Investigation of Chemical Looping Combustion of CO with Fe-Based Oxygen CarrierExperimental Study on Factors Affecting the Generation of Ferrous SulfideFEC-LiTFSI-Pyr1ATFSI Ionic Liquid Electrolyte to Improve Low Temperature Performance of Lithium-Ion BatteriesGraphene Oxide Prepared via Ultrasonic Assisted Chemical Oxidation Method and its Fluorescence PropertyHydrogen Desorption/Absorption Kinetics of MgH2 Catalyzed with TiO2Influence of Gas-Gas Heater on Wet Flue Gas DesulfurationInvestigating on the Flow Distribution of a Planar Solid Oxide Fuel Cell StackPreparing Sodium Methoxide from Sodium Hydroxide by Reaction Coupling with Separation ProcessesStudy on the Composite Insulator Material?s Characteristics under Artificial Corona Aging ConditionSynthesis and Performance Evaluation of Pour Point Depressants for Lubricating OilThe Effect of Field Emission Characteristic on Partial Arc Caused by Pollutant and WaterThe Improving Measures Research on the Cycle Life of Lead-Acid Batteries for Electric VehiclesA Review of Fluorinated Proton Exchange MembraneEffects of Drying Process on Lignite QualityElectron Mobility Model for Tensile Strained-Si(101)On the Mechanism of AC ElectroosmosisResearch on Viscosity of Watered Fuel Oil Prepared by Mechanical AgitationImpacts on Water Consumption in Wet Flue Gas DesulfurationColor Tunability of Blue Phosphors by Changing Cations for Near-UV InGaN-Based Light-Emitting DiodeMetal-Semiconductor-Metal Ultraviolet Photodiodes Fabricated on Bulk GaN SubstrateA Comparative Study on the Effects of Power Supply Patterns in Microgrids for DC Powered Electrical AppliancesA Compound Positioning and Splitting Criterion for Power System Oscillation Center with Predicting FunctionA Costal Wave Energy Power Station EquipmentAn Energy Optimization Management Method of the Microgrid Based on Priority RankingA Heuristic Analysis Method for the Impact of DGs to Power System ReliabilityA Research on Fixed Series CompensationA Research Summary on Combined Peaking Load Strategies of Nuclear Power PlantAn Empirical Analysis on Guangdong?s FDI, Energy Intensity and IndustrializationAn Improved FCM Algorithm Based on Subtractive Clustering for Power Load ClassificationAN Research on Energy Management and Cooperation Performance in Eco-Industrial Symbiosis NetworkAnalysis of Arc Suppression Coil Accident in Fushun Zhongzhai 66kV SubstationAnalysis of Industrial Structure Optimization Based on Energy SavingAnalysis of Key Factors Affecting Double-Circuit Transmission Lines Parameters and Transposition SchemesAnalysis of Live Working Safety Distance for 750kV Double Circuit Transmission Line in Different Altitude AreasAnalysis of Passive Residual Heat Removal System at Primary Side when Station Blackout OccursAnalysis of Wind Field Fan Based on Performance Enhancement MethodAnalysis on Capacity of Transmission Line Based on Thermal RatingAnalysis on Capacity of Wind Power Integration into Grid Based on Power BalanceApplication Research of Gas CCHP System to Hotel Buildings in ShanghaiBenefits Analysis of Energy Tax ReformBIPV with On-Grid Tariff Policy in ChinaComprehensive Evaluation of the Offshore Wind Power Project Navigation SafetyConsidering the Wire Erecting Model of Transmission Grid Planning under the Market EnvironmentCountermeasure Research on New Energy Automobile Industry Chain OptimizationDesign and Develop Resources Investigation and Evaluation System of Electric Power DSMDetermination of Photovoltaic and Wind Turbine Capacities in an Islanded Operation Mode with Meteorological DataDistributed Energy Resource Impacts on FLISR Scheme in Distribution SystemDoubly-Fed Wind Farm Engineering Aggregation Model Used for PlanningEvaluation of China's Energy StrategyExperimental Study on Effect of Contamination on Electric Field Distribution of 330kV Composite InsulatorFast Evaluation Method on Thermal Stability Limit of Power Grid Cross-SectionFault-Tree Analysis for Power Gird Emergency Logistics System under Large-Scale Natural DisasterFeatures and Application Analysis of Advanced Small Nuclear Power ReactorsGrid Electricity Market Bidding Model Based on AgentGrounding Method and Protection of Low Voltage Multiple GeneratorsImpact of 750kV Transmission Line Series Compensation Capacity on Power Frequency OvervoltageIntroduction of the Assessment Model of Nuclear Safety CultureLiaoning Wind Power Integration into Power System Problems Analysis and its StrategiesLightning Impulse Voltage Correction of Power Transmission and Transformation Project Typical GapLine Vulnerability Assessment on Power Grid Based on Combination Weighing MethodMedium and Long Term Load Forecasting of Power System Based on Interval Taylor Model ArithmeticMethod Based on Multi-Attribute Decision Making of Receiving-End Power Grid DC Location SelectionMicro-Grid Fault Transient Characteristics and Relay ProtectionModeling and Simulation of Grid-Connected Photovoltaic System Based on PSCADMPC Based Approach for Reliable Power System Energy Management with High Penetration Level of Renewable Energy ResourcesOptimal Capacitors Placement of Distribution Systems Using 2nd Order Power Loss Sensitivity Analysis and Hierarchical ClusteringOptimal Configuration of Dynamic Reactive Power Compensation for Large Petrochemical Enterprise GridOptimal Energy Management for Smart Distribution Grid Based on Virtual Power PlantOptimization of Voltage and Reactive Power in Regional Power Network Based on MCROptimized Electric Vehicle Charging Pricing Method Using Game TheoryOptimizing the Allocation of the Relay Setting Related to Power Grid and over Frequency Generator Tripping SchemePower Control of Microgrid with Rich Small Hydropower StationsPower Distribution System Evaluation in Chemical Industry Park Using Subjective and Objective Comprehensive Weight MethodPower System Planning by SimulationQuantitative Analysis of the Relationship between Temperature and Power LoadReactive Compensation Research of HVAC Cables for Offshore Wind FarmsReliability Evaluation Research of 10 kV Typical Configuration Feeder Based on the FMEAResearch and Simulation of Reasonable Distribution of Energy Saving Design Model in Rural ResidentialResearch for Smart Micro-Grid System of Optimal Operation on the IslandResearch on Adaptability Evaluation Contents and Indexes for Large Power Grid ConstructionResearch on Characteristics of Partial Discharge in Typical Defects of High-Voltage XLPE CableResearch on Combined Peak Load Regulation with Hydropower, Thermal Power and Nuclear Power PlantsResearch on Economic Security Evaluation of China's Coal Cities Based on Neural NetworkResearch on Electricity Load of Three Industries and Residents? LifeResearch on Energy Logistics Service Quality Management Implications to Sustainable DevelopmentResearch on Flow Calculation of Wind Power IntegrationResearch on New Energy Industrial Upgrading in Tianjin Based on SWOT AnalysisResearch on Power System Stochastic Economic Dispatch Considering Interruptible Load and Wind PowerResearch on the Effect of the Integration of Renewable Energy Resources on Economical Operation of Power Grid Based on System DynamicsResearch on Thermal Power Industrial Security Issues Based on Sustainable Energy DevelopmentReview of Quick Search for Transmission SectionRisk Analysis of Grid Operational Performance Influencing Factors Based on ISM-ModelSafeguard Mechanism Research for Effective Implementation of Energy Tax Policy ReformShort-Term Load Forecasting Based on GA-Elman ModelShort-Term Wind Power Dynamic Prediction Based on GA-BP Neural NetworkSimulation on Multi-Objective Wind Power Integration Using Genetic Algorithm with Adaptive WeightSmart Grid and its ApplicationSmart Grid in ChinaSpatial Electric Load Forecasting Based on Least Squares Support VectorStudy for Wind Farm Power Quality Based on Wind Turbine?s Characteristic ParametersStudy in the Application of PSIM Software in the Teaching of Curriculums Related to the New Energy Power GenerationStudy on Cooperative Games in Electric Vehicle Charging Market on Account of Shapley Distribution ModelStudy on Effects of Solar Generation on Power GridStudy on the Framework of Fission Product Source Term for Nuclear Power PlantsSummary of Study on Error Evaluation Indices of Power System Simulation ModelSustained Overvoltage Control Considering Power System Restoration Dynamic ProcessThe Application of Cluster Analysis Algorithm in the Indicators Comparison of Grid EnterpriseThe Applications of Series Compensation Device in 10kv Voltage LevelThe Criticality Safety Analysis of the Spent Fuel Storage Pool Area I in Small Modular ReactorThe Data Planning Methodology Researching on the Construction of Nuclear Plant EngineeringThe Energy Management of Chinese Tourist Hotel under the Background of Low-Carbon EconomyThe Influence of Detailed Onshore and Offshore Wind Farm Models on the System Voltage LevelThe Influence of Wind Power Grid to Power System Small Disturbance Stability StudyThe Numerical Research on the Jumping Induced by the Uniform and Non-Uniform Ice-Shedding of Transmission LinesThe Optimal Energy Storage Capacity Configuration of Photovoltaic Generation under Changing Meteorological ConditionsThe Research of Variable Speed Constant Frequency Wind Power Generation TechnologyThe Research of Wasting Wind Power and Methods of its Consumption Based on that of FuxinTheoretical Line Loss Calculation of Distribution Network Considering Wind Turbine Power ConstraintTransient Stability of Wind Power System with DFIGTransmission Network Planning Scheme Considering N-2 Security under the Market EnvironmentTransmission Section Search for Vulnerable Line Based on Power Transfer Distribution FactorUsing Fuzzy Synthetic Evaluation Model to Assess Technical Risk of China?s Alternative Fuel Vehicle IndustryVulnerability Assessment Method for Distribution NetworkThe Central Air-Conditioning Energy Saving SystemProbe on Questions and Mode of Renewable Resource Development and Utilization on Small IslandsExplore on High-Rise Residential Appearance and Integration of Solar Flat Plate Collector Design in Panzhihua CitySystem Optimization Model and Path Analysis for Sustainable Development of Coal IndustryResearch on the Workshop Structures of Aluminum Potroom on High Temperature ConditionThe Research on Seismic Performance of Tower under Icing ConditionResearch on the Dynamic Characteristics of Strain Tower in Heavy Icing Area Based on SAP2000Three-Dimensional Wind Field Simulation on the Two Typical Roofs of the BuildingSummary on Wind Speed Distribution and its Parameter EstimationModeling and Uncertainty Estimation of Wind Power Curve Based on Recorded Field DataApplication of PSO in the Optimization of Nuclear Power Unit?s Heat Regenerative SystemCalculation of Capacitance and Inductance Parameters of Transformer Winding under very Fast Transient OvervoltageDuplicate Confluence Precipitation Technology Processing Desulphurization Dust Removal Actual Waste Water Experimental StudyNumerical Simulation on U(VI) in Uranium Tailing Impoundment Affected by Acid RainPetrological, Geochronological and Geochemical Constraints on Hot Dry Rock Geothermal ApplicationsResearch on Reservoir Characteristics in San Zhao Peripheral ZoneStudy on Coal?s Green Mining Technology Roadmap of Jurassic Coalfield in Northern ShaanxiStudy on Dust Hazard in Coal Mine and its CountermeasuresStudy on the Feasibility of SRV in Coal ReservoirEffects of Thermal Discharge from Nuclear Power Plant on PhytoplanktonReview on the Supervision Monitoring Program for Radiation Environment around Nuclear Power PlantsThe Analysis and Countermeasures for the Influencing Factors of Power Grid Engineering Electromagnetic EnvironmentHeavy Metal by Zero-Valent Iron and Natural Zeolite Partitioning in Acid Mine Drainage: A Comparative StudyFactors Affecting Mercury Oxidation by SCR CatalystsModeling and Experimental Studies of SO2 Absorption in Aqueous Ammonia Solution with Wetted-Wall ColumnRecent Review of Gas Hydrate Sediments Mechanics BehaviorThe Experience & Enlightenment from Low-Cost Strategy of Shale Gas Development in AmericaClassification of Surrounding Rock of Bolt Supported in Coal Mine RoadwayShale Reservoirs Multi-Fracture Fracturing Technique and Studies on Reservoirs StressesThe Research of Energy Efficiency Construction Design with Pollution Control ConsiderationDesign of Heavy Medium Separation Density Control System Based on PLCDesign of Hydraulic Experimental System of Oil Drilling and ProductionA New Purification Method for Rotor Center?s Orbit by Using Ensemble Empirical Mode DecompositionA Numerical Study of Wet Steam Condensation over a Corrugated Plate SeparatorA Study on Exhaust Muffler Using Counter-Phase CounteractAn Experiment and Simulation Study on Performance of Finned Tube CondenserAnalysis of Pipe Structure Stress Affected by Double Corrosion PointsAnalysis of Transient Thermal Stress of IGBT Module Based on Electrical-Thermal-Mechanical Coupling ModelAnalysis of Viscoelastic Fluid Flow over a Suddenly Moved Flat PlatDynamic Characteristic Analysis of the Internal Combustion Air CompressorEffects of Geometry Parameters on Mechanical Expanding of Large Diameter Welding PipeExperimental Study on Emission Characteristics of Methanol Gasoline in the GW491QE EngineFinite Element Analysis of the Stiffness and Strength of Large Power Plant CondenserModeling and Optimization of Heat Exchanger in Automotive Exhaust Thermoelectric Generator Based on Fluid KinematicsPhysical Parameters Consistency Based 3D Temperature Field Reconstruction for Combustion FlameReliability Assessment of the Small Sample Aero-Engine BearingsResearch on Hydraulic Turbine Cavitation Based on CordonReview of Research Development on Slurry Pipeline Drag Reduction TechnologySimulation Study on Effects of Ignition Time on Particle Emission for GDI EngineSOC Estimation on PNGV Model and Hybrid Electric VehicleStress Analysis and Measures Resistance to Deformation of Coal Pipeline above GoafStress Intensity Factors for High Aspect Ratio Semi-Elliptical External Surface Cracks in Cylindrical VesselsStructure Dynamic Response Analysis of Pipe String under the Action of Perforating Detonation WaveStudy on Desorption Temperature of Adsorption Bed in Typical Weather ConditionsStudy on Milling Deformation of Ruled Surface BladeTest and Analysis on Assembly Deformation of Diesel Engine Cylinder LinerThe Method of Finding the Center of Steam Turbine Shaft Coupling Based on Multiple PracticeConcept of Limited Corrosion Dew Point for Coal-Fired Boiler and Experimental ResearchDesign and Research of Offshore Drilling Platform Electric Power SystemExperimental Research on Ice Accretion Characteristic of Energy-Saving ConductorExploration on Automatic Welding Methods for Battery Pack of New Energy AutomobilesFinite Element Analysis for the Collapse Accident of a 110kV Transmission TowerImpacts of Diverting Potential Difference on Armored Cables in SubstationsModal Analysis of Vibration and its Program Development in Power Transformer CoreNumerical Analysis about the Effects of PV Panels on the Mechanical Properties of Frame-Shear StructureNumerical Calculation of Short Circuit Electromagnetic Force in Isolated Phase BusPower Transformer Core Column Section Optimization Model and DesignResearch on the Energy Recovery of the Excavator Slewing System Based on Hybrid TechnologyResearch on the Hydrodynamic Performance of a Wave Energy ConverterResearch on the Noise Comprehensive Management of HVDC Converter StationStudy on 110kV Composite Material Transmission Poles and TowersThe Design and Calculation of 500 Kv Transmission Line RPC Double Pole Based on the ANSYSThe Study on the SIT Technology of Subsea ILMThermal Analysis of Gas Insulated Bus Based on Multiple Species Transport TechniqueVerifying Calculation of Reactor Pressure Vessel Fast Neutron FluenceApplication of Biomass Burning Stove in the Greenhouse EnvironmentResearch on Destruction and Preventive Measures of Geological Disasters Damage on Transmission Lines in the Seismically Active BeltThe Analysis of the Effect of Fouling on the Performance of the Fill LayerOptimization of Remaining Useful Life for Paralleled Battery Packs on Expansion ModeDeformation Characteristic Analysis on Crimping of Large Diameter Welding PipeResearch on the Lithium Battery Pack Cooling by Thermal SimulationA Research on Superheater Mechanism Model of Intelligent Optimization Based on Spot DataAnalyze for Design Philosophy on the Route and Process for Gas Pipeline in the Middle-Asia DistrictResearch and Simulation of Energy-Saving Hierarchical Design Model for Differentiate ArchitectureA New Type of Brushless DC Motor Control StrategyActive Control Model of Island Multiple Generators SystemAdaptive Control of Chaotic Motion in Fractional Order Wind GeneratorsAn Energy-Saving Scheme of Motor Drive Systems Based on UltracapacitorsAnalysis and Suppression of Common-Mode Voltage in Open-End Winding Induction Motor Drive System Fed by Dual InverterBrake Pedal Feel Verification of the Energy Recovery SystemDesign and Test of the Control System for the Fast Disruption Mitigation Valve on J-TEXTDesign of Controller of Permanent Magnet Brushless DC Motor for Electric VehicleDesign of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Servo SystemDesign of Shearer Electrical Control System Based on STM32Design of the Stepper Motor Control System Based on FPGADesign of the Voltage-Controlled Bandpass Filter Based on Current Feedback Op AmpDrive Circuit Design of H-Bridge Permanent-Magnet DC Moment Motor Based on HIP4081 ChipModeling and Simulation of UAV Electric Servo SystemOptimization Study of CVT Speed Ratio to Plug-In Hybrid Electric VehiclePhotovoltaic Grid-Connected Micro-Inverter Based on Self-Tuning Fuzzy-PI ControllerResearch of a Robust Control for Electro Hydraulic Servo SystemResearch of Chain-SVG PWM Modulation StrategyResearch of Direct Torque Control of Asynchronous MotorResearch on CNC AC Servo System Design and Parameters? Tuning and OptimizationResearch on Controller of Micro-Hydro Power SystemResearch on Design Methods and Experiments of the Electro-Hydraulic Power Steering PumpResearch on Electric Power Control Technique for Stable Operation of DC Micro-GridSensorless Control of High Speed Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Based on Modified Sliding-Mode ObserverSimulation of Permanent Magnet Linear Synchronous Motor?s Self-Organizing Rule and Self-Regulared Parameter Fuzzy ControlSSP Podded Propulsion Motor Control Based on SR-CDKFStator Resistance Identification and Simulation Analysis Based on Fuzzy LogicStudy on Optimal-Power Ratio Optimization of Automatic TransmissionVSC-HVDC Control Strategy Research and Simulation AnalysisA Parametric Study of Microfluidic Power Generator Based on Reverse Electrowetting in a Microchannel GeometryA Smart PV Cooler Based on Solar Thermoelectric Generator with Phase Change MaterialAdaptive Notch Filter Based Active Damping Control for Grid-Connected InverterAdvanced Metering Infrastructure and its Back Software Architecture for Future Power SystemAn Earthquake Emergency Alarm System for Power Plants Based on Programmable Automation ControllerAnalysis of Braking Energy Recovery in EV with EHBAnalysis on Primary Frequency Regulation Function Tests for Thermal Power UnitsApplication of Special Optical Fiber Sensing Technology in New Generation of Smart SubstationDevelopment of Engine Exhaust Active Noise Control SystemCoordinated Control of Variable-Speed Constant-Frequency Wind Farms in Weak GridsDecoupling Control Strategy for Conergy Three-Level Three Phase Grid ConverterDevelopment and Application of Power Transformer Oil Purifier in LineDistributed Reactive Power-Voltage Control Method of Micro-GridMarine Fuel Boiler System Design PlatformEnergy Saving Matching of Power Equipment for Four-Footed Robot DogPower Tracking Control Strategy Based on Feedback Frequency of Large-Scale Grid-Connected PV GenerationResearch and Development of the Wind Power Monitoring System for North China Power GridResearch and Simulation on the Energy-Saving Control Model of Large-Scale Intelligent Electromechanical DeviceResearch of Effect of Battery Participating in Demand ResponseResearch on Condition Monitoring of Protection System Based on Substation Area ProtectionResearch on Distributed Power Quality Monitoring System of OilfieldResearch on Intelligent Auxiliary Decision-Making System for Regional Power Grid FaultsResearch on Multicast Flooding Suppression in Smart SubstationReview of AGC and Primary Frequency RegulationSimulation on Superconducting Magnetic Energy Storage in a Grid-Connected Photovoltaic SystemStudy of Five-Level Inverter SHEPWM Control Technology Based on Walsh FunctionStudy of Low Voltage Ride through in Photovoltaic Grid-Tied Inverter Based on Unsymmetrical Grid Voltage FallStudy on Control Strategy of the Grid-Side Converter on Doubly-Fed Induction Generator SystemStudy on Improving Power System Damping by Using DPFCThe Applications of New Energy at High Altitudes in Intelligent GreenhousesThe Control of Low Voltage Ride through Based on STATCOM and Crowbar CircuitThe Optimized Configuration Simulation of the Wind Turbine Control System Based on E-WTThe Research of Low Voltage Control at Li Tang Trunk Line in Li Jia Transformer SubstationThe Simulation Research of SVG Control Algorithm Based on Unbalanced Power SystemDevelopment of the Sphere-Toroidal Continuously Variable TransmissionDesign of Control System for Oil and Gas Field Pipe Production LineA Power Control Technology Adapting to Temperature ChangeMagnetic Field Analysis for the Dual-Stator Toroidal Motor with Hybrid ExcitationThe Constant Voltage Composite Control Method of the SVC with Unbalanced Load CompensationThe Effect of Dead Zone Mode on Electric Vehicle PWM Speed Control SystemA Energy Saving Routing Algorithm Based on Shortest Path TreeA Low Power Way-Predicting D-Cache with Partial Tag Comparison FilterA Model Based on BP Neural Network for Audible Noise PredictionA Review of Regional Reactive Power Optimization TechniquesApplications of Cloud Model Migration Particle Swarm Optimization and Gaussian Penalty Function in Reactive Power OptimizationClustering Algorithm of Wireless Sensor Network Based on Energy OptimizedParameter Identification of Load Models Using the CQDPSO AlgorithmResearch of Combined Optimum Grey Model to Mid and Long Term Electric Load ForecastingResearch on Energy-Saving Algorithms with Migration Energy Consumption in Heterogeneous Cloud EnvironmentResearch on Market Model for China Forest Carbon-Sink in Coal MinesThe Key Parameter Modeling of SiC MOSFETThe Selection of Online Power Flow Calculation?s Known QuantitiesWire Suspension System Based on Fault Tree Analysis Running Condition AssessmentParameters Optimization of LQR for Magnet Power Supply of AcceleratorPrediction Model for Dissolved Gas in Transformer Oil Based on Non-Parametric RegressionTransient Analysis of Induction Machines Using Time-Stepping Finite Element Method Coupled with the Circuit EquationsA Meshless Method for Solving the Mathematical Model Associated the Leakage Problem in Gas PipelineFIR Sine Interpolation Algorithm Based on Pipeline and Parallel TechnologyResearch of Pipeline Leak Eigenvector Extracting Based on Wavelet PacketNew Research on Identification and Classification of Grid Power Quality DisturbancesA New Fault Location Method for 10 KV Distribution Lines with BranchesA Quick Detection Approach of Magnetic Iron Grade for MagnetiteA Rotor Speed Sensor of Cycloid Rotor FlowmeterAn On-Line Monitoring Method of Interharmonics Based on ANF and Interpolated FFTApplication of Vortex Generator in Ultrasonic Heat Meter MeasurementApplication of Wavelet Analysis to Eddy Current Testing for the Surface Fatigue Crack of Bolt HolesBundle Conductors Corona Current Harmonic Wave MeasurementCharacteristic Analysis and Measurement of Dielectric Loss in Non-Linear Insulating MaterialsDesign of a Real-Time Detector for Solution Conductivity Based on Conductivity ElectrodeDesign of High-Gain Amplifier for Soft X-Ray Imaging Diagnostic System on J-TEXT TokamakDesign of Online Monitoring and Evaluation System for Master Station Running StatusFault Diagnosis of Bearing Based on KPCA and KNN MethodFault Diagnosis of Communication Equipment Based on Rough Set TheoryFault Location Based on Bayesian ClassifierFlow Measurement of Primary Air Containing Pulverized Coal with Simple Venturi TubeHarmonic Detection in Power Signals Based on Fast Modified S-TransformIEC61850-Based Digital Watt-Hour Meter Tester with TraceabilityImprovement and Application of Fan Fault Diagnosis of Power Plant Based on Fuzzy RulesMeasurement on Gas Number Density Distribution by Tunable Diode Laser Absorption SpectroscopyMethod of Measurement and Computing for Natural Gas EnergyOn a Method of Getting Test Data for Boundary Scan Interconnection Test in Multiple Scan ChainsOn-Orbit Fault Location Analysis and Solution Strategy of GEO Satellite Solar ArrayPower System Fault Diagnosis Based on Artificial Fish-Swarm AlgorithmResearch about the Testing Methods of Varistor TesterResearch of Fault Monitoring and Early Warning Technology of Optical CableResearch of Process Procedures in Lighting Impulse Measurement SoftwareResearch on High Bandwidth Rogowski Coil for Measuring Lightning Traveling Wave Current on Double Circuit Transmission LineResearch on Testing Parameter Detection Equipment of the Aeroengine Based on PC104Research on the Intelligent Monitoring System of Indoor Electrical Safety Based on the Internet of ThingsResearch on the Measurement of Household Appliance Impedance CharacteristicResearch on the Optimization Model of Fault Detection for Large-Scale Electronic CircuitResearch on the Winding Deformation Testing System for Transformers Based on the FRASimulation on Fault Detection Optimization Model of Large Intelligent Electronic InverterStudy on a New Test and Diagnosis Method for Complex Integrated CircuitSynchronization Optimization Simulation of Optical Fiber Network Fault Features and Model ParametersThe Analysis of Device Model in CMOS Integrated Temperature SensorThe Design and Analysis of Substation Equipment Temperature Wireless Monitoring SystemThe Irremovable Properties Proof of Decaying DC Component for Dynamic Phasor MeasurementThe Research and Simulation of Intelligent Electric Leakage Detection Model for Mining MachineryThe Research on the Factory Accept Test Technology of Subsea PLETThe Research on the Integrational Measurement Device of Grounding ResistanceVideogrammetric Techniques for Wind Tunnel Testing and ApplicationsWindowed DFT Method for Frequency Measurement Involving Amplitude ModulationAnalysis of Active Power Loss for Reactive Power Compensation DevicesEvaluation of On-Line DGA Limit Values and Calculation of Detecting Intervals for On-Line Monitoring Equipment for TransformersRemote Sensing Interpretation and early Warning System Designing of Geohazards along Transmission Lines - A Case Study of the Danba - Kangding 500 kV Double Circuit Transmission LineResearch of Improved On-Line Power Flow MethodStudy on a New Type of Electric Larceny Using Half-Wave Rectifying MethodStudy on Linearity of Impulse Voltage DividerThe Application of Rogowski Coil in Power SystemThe Portable Device for Detecting Smart Meter Fee Control FunctionsThe Application of Wireless Sensor Networks in Power EngineeringThe Design of Location System for Single-Phase Grounded Fault in Distribution Network Based on Zero-Sequence CurrentThe Field Test of High Voltage Cable Impedance ParametersThe Identification Methods of Partial Discharge Test for EquipmentDevelopment of Calibration Device for the Belt Weigher Based on the Material Superimposed TechnologyThe Present Situation and Progress of Vibration Environment Test TechnologyWAMS/PMU Data Pre-Processing and CompressionBased on Wireless Sensor Technology for Substation Equipment Temperature Monitoring SystemDesign and Construction of Railway Cracks Detection Based on Eddy CurrentA Novel Testing Method of Low Voltage Fuel CellA Design of Intelligent Fast Charger Based on 89C52 MCUA New Autonomous Chaotic System and its Circuit SimulationA Novel Optoelectronic Oscillator with Series-Coupled Double Recirculating Delay LinesA Sense Amplifier for Low Voltage Embedded Flash MemoriesA Voltage Compensation Circuit for Flash MemoryA Voltage Regulator Circuit for Low Power Flash MemoriesAn Anti-Ribboning Method for Winder Based on Brushless DC MotorAnalogy Teaching Method of High-Frequency Electronic CircuitAnalysis of Lithium Battery Model for Electric VehicleApplication of Dual Switch Flyback Converter in Three-Phase Photovoltaic InverterBoth Spatial and Temporal Distortions Caused by Spatial Chirp in Vortex Femtosecond Pulse BeamsCalculation of Leakage Magnetic Field and Short-Circuit Impedance of Power TransformerCalculation of Thermal Performance in Amorphous Core Dry-Type TransformersCircuit Design of Electronic Igniter of MCU Used in Biogas Power GenerationCircuit Design of the Electronic Lock of the Intelligent Management System of the Blasting Equipment LibraryDesign of a Fixed-Frequency Beam-Scanning Antenna Controlled by VoltageDesign of Intelligent Reactive Compensation Controller Based on MicrochipDesign of Micro Power Consumption Synchronous Chopped Wave Power Supply Based on Fixed and Mobile Double Comparative PointDesign of Switch Transformer about Half Bridge Switching Power SupplyDesign of Three-Phase Reference Energy Meter Based on FPGA and ARMDesign Research of Unit Power Factor Power ConverterDevelopment and Design of Embedded Control Systems for Coal MineEffect of Frequency and Boost on the Breakdown of XLPE Cable with Inserted Needle DefectsError Calibration of Three-Phase Method for Combined TransformerImplementation of Single Phase Locked Loop Based on FPGA and its Application in SVCRealization of OTA-Based Grounded Gyrators Using Nodal Admittance Matrix ExpansionReform of Excitation System on the Domestic 600MW Subcritical Turbine Generator UnitResearch on a Battery Balancing Method for Lithium-Ion Battery Pack of Electric VehicleResearch on Harm of Harmonics on Electrical EquipmentResearch on the Three-Level Inverter Midpoint Potential Algorithm Based on the Charge Balance TheorySimulation of Function GeneratorStudy on Experimental System for Three Level Neutral-Point-Clamped ConverterStudy on Simulation of Temperature Field and Optimization of Structure to Grounding ResistorStudy on the Lithium-Ion Batteries Performance of Electric VehiclesStudy on the Return Voltage Function Model of Oil-Paper Insulation Medium Based on Optimization AlgorithmThe Design of a New-Type LED Switching Power Supply CircuitThe Research on Deposition Saturation of Disc Suspension Porcelain InsulatorThe Technology Study of New Asymmetrical Half-Bridge ConverterDesign of Economized Power Controller Based on Ethernet and Embedded TechnologyA Cell Balancing System Based on Charge Shuttling MethodA High Frequency Strictly Passive Model for Transformer Based on the Image Method under Lightning OvervoltageA Novel Comprehensive Draw-Out Power Circuit of High Voltage ThyristorAcquisition of Time Parameters and Charges in the Streamer Discharge SimulationAnalysis of New Deceleration Strip Device to Generate ElectricityCalculation and Analysis of Three-Phase Transformer Short-Circuit CurrentCapacity Configuration and Energy Control Strategy of Stationary Super Capacitor Energy Storage System of Urban Rail TransitComputation and Analysis of Static and Dynamic Radial Stability of Power Transformer Inner WindingConformation Optimization Based on Impulse Grounding Resistance for Ground Electrode of Power LinesDesign of Performance Analysis System of Secondary Circuit in Intelligent Substation Based on NI PlatformDesign of the Three-Phase Photovoltaic Grid-Connected InverterInvestigation on Polarity of TiO2 Varistor Using Impedance Spectroscopy and the Frequency EffectsDiscussion Based on Small PABX Lightning OvervoltageLossless Compression of Weak Electrical Signal of Ginseng Molecule Based on Discrete Wavelet Transform and Siesta ProgramWide-Band Modeling of the IGBT Module Based on the Physical StructureEfficiency Analysis for a Two-Stage Three-Phase InverterInfluence of Transformer Capacity on Insulator Leakage Current Acquisition ResultsMulti-Level Cascaded H-Bridge Inverter Based on Three Harmonic Injection MethodParameter Optimization of Virtual Impedance for Parallel InverterPV Cells Power Generation System Modeling Based on Heat Energy EfficiencyResearch of Single Phase Short Fault in One-Generator Infinite Bus Power SystemsResearch on an AC/DC Converter Based on the Convert Station in HVDC Light TechnologyResearch on Frequency Electromagnetic Field of Parallel Transmission LineResearch on Photovoltaic DC Power Supply System for OfficeResearch on the Influence of Closing Resistor inside Circuit Breaker on Magnetizing Inrush Current of UHV TransformerResearch on the Methods of Interharmonics and Flicker Limit CurveReview on Mechanism and Analysis Methods of Low Frequency Oscillation in Power SystemStudy on Simulation Model on Partial Discharge in Void of Solid InsulationSimulation of EMP Inject Effects Based on Improved Elman NetworkThe Impact on the Electromagnetic Environment of Medium Wave Broadcasting Stations Caused by 110kV Power LinesThe Model for PV Array Based PSIMThe Research on Establishing Method of the Broadband Nonlinear Transformer ModelTwo-Port Characteristic Analysis for Transformers with the Large Scale Windings Based on Sparse MatrixAn Optimal Power Allocation for the Two-Way Relay System Using Physical-Layer Network CodingAnalysis of Statistical Characteristics of the Laser Vibrometer?s Static Signal NoiseAnalysis of the Channel Capacity under OFDM System with Insufficient CPApplication of Wavelet Transform in Signal Compression and Signal RecombinationChannel Estimation Algorithms for MB-OFDM Based UWB SystemCoupling Effect of Transmission Lines by HEMP Based on CSTMeasurement and Research on Attenuation Characteristics of Low Voltage Power Line Communication ChannelSVG Graphical Analysis Tool Online Regional Reactive Power Optimization System DevelopmentThe Analysis of the Transmission Signal Measured MIPI D-PHYThe Research of Self-Adaptative Power Adjustment RoutingVirtual-MIMO Cooperation Communication Based on Integrated Power Line and Wireless Communication SystemA Novel Method of Requirement Analysis for Power Communication Access NetworkA New Clustering Routing Algorithm of Wireless Sensor NetworkResearch on Broadband Channel Characteristics and Hardware Testbed for Power Line Communication SystemA Study on the Energy Balance Ant-Based Routing Algorithm for Wireless Sensor NetworkResearch on the Convergence Trend of Power Communication NetworkEnergy Saving Routing Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network by Using Particle Swarm Optimization AlgorithmAnalysis Research of Power GIS Thematic Application Based on Web Services TechnologyResearch on Nuclear Power Station Video Conferencing System from ?Standard Definition? to ?High Definition?Study on Focused Crawler's Application in Searching Petroleum NewsApplication of Virtualization Technology in Nuclear Power PlantClient-Side in Management System of Transmission Line Passage Protection Based on AndroidPerformance Evaluation and Analysis of ZigBee Technology in Smart GridResearch and Application of Mobile Internet Technology in PowerResearch on Method of CIM-Based Data Exchange for Electric Power EnterpriseResearch on Visualized Protective Relaying Setting Software for Coal Mine Power SystemSolving Economic Dispatch Problem in Energy Internet Using a Two-Level Stochastic Gossip-Based Consensus AlgorithmOptimal Study of the Reverse Logistics Network for Electronic Waste under Fuzzy EnvironmentThe Design of Emergency Management System for Thermal Power Plant Based on B/S ArchitectureRelationship of Three Rock ParametersResearch on Guided Roadway Pressure Relief Combined Supporting Technology in High Stress RoadwayThe Comparative Analysis of an Official and Experimental Building

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