Fieser / Powers | Scriptures of the West with Free World Religions PowerWeb | Buch | 978-0-07-297898-8 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 231 mm, Gewicht: 861 g

Fieser / Powers

Scriptures of the West with Free World Religions PowerWeb

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 160 mm x 231 mm, Gewicht: 861 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-297898-8
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

This anthology of scriptures offers selections that vary in length from a few paragraphs to 10 pages, accompanied by brief introductions that discuss the nature and scope of scripture within each religion as well as the history of each scripture presented. Scriptures of The West contains sacred writings of Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam, the Baha’i faith, and indigenous religions of the West; a companion text, Scriptures of The East, contains sacred writings of Hinduism, Jainism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Shinto, and indigenous religions of the East.
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Weitere Infos & Material

CHAPTER 1 - ZOROASTRIANISMIntroductionThe AvestaZoroastrian CreedDualismRemoval of Hair and NailsRemoval of the DeadThe Daily PrayerPahlavi WritingsThe Chinvat Bridge, Heaven and HellCreation and the MillenniaLife of ZarathushtraComing of SaoshyantResurrection of the Dead, Final JudgmentSix Ritual ObligationsVirtues and Social ObligationZurvan WritingsZurvan and his Twin SonsGlossary, Further ReadingsCHAPTER 2 - JUDAISMIntroductionBooks of MosesCreation: Genesis 1:1-2:3Covenant with Noah: Genesis 9:1-17Covenant with Abraham: Genesis 17:1-22Passover and Exodus: Exodus 12:29-41, 15:5-29Mosaic Covenant: Exodus 19, 20:1-17Holiness Code: Leviticus 19:1-37Conquest and United KingdomEntry into Canaan: Joshua 1, 3Song of Deborah: Judges 5:2-12Davidic Covenant: 2 Samuel 7:8-16Psalms Attributed to David: Psalms 8; 23; 27; 32; 51Solomon's Temple: 1 Kings 4-6Proverbs Attributed to Solomon: Proverbs 15Divided Kingdom and ExileElijah versus the Priests of Asherah and Baal: 1 Kings 16-18Isaiah's Warning to Judah: Isaiah 1:1-9, 18-21; 6Babylonian Conquest and Exile: 2 Kings 24:8-20; 25:1-17Remembering Zion: Psalms 137Return from Exile and Restoration: Ezra 1, 3Esther: Esther 3:7-11; 7Ezra and the Law: Nehemiah 8Post-Exilic WritingsMessiah, Resurrection, and Judgment: First EnochMaccabean Revolt: First MaccabeesQumran Community Rule: Dead Sea ScrollsRabbinic WritingsWisdom of the FathersRabbinic AuthorityResurrection of the DeadComing of the MessiahUnity of the Ten CommandmentsMedieval JudaismThirteen Principles of Faith: MaimonidesKabbala: CreationRecent MovementsHasidism: The Seven BeggarsReform Judaism: Declaration of PrinciplesZionism: Theodor HertzlGlossary, Further ReadingsCHAPTER 3 - CHRISTIANITYIntroductionJesus' Birth and MinistryPrince of Peace and Suffering Servant: Isaiah 9:6-7, 53:2-11Birth of Jesus: Luke, 2:1-24, 39, 40Jesus' Baptism, Temptation, and First Disciples: Mark, 1Sermon on the Mount: Matthew, 5-7Good Samaritan and Prodigal Son: Luke, 10:25-37; 15:1-3, 11-32Peter Receives the Keys: Matthew, 16:13-28Lazarus Raised from the Dead: John, 11:1-54Jesus' DeathLast Supper: Mark 14:1-25Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: John 14:1-26Trial, Crucifixion, Resurrection: Mark, 14:43-16:8New Testament ChurchAscension, Pentecost: Acts, 1:3-11, 2:1-24, 40-47Paul on the Distinction between Christianity and Judaism: Galatians, 1-2Paul on Life after Death: 1 Corinthians 15:12-28, 35-57Non-Canonical GospelsInfancy Gospel of JamesInfancy Gospel of ThomasGnostic Gospel of ThomasGnostic Gospel of MaryEarly Statements of FaithBaptism, Prayer, and the Eucharist: DidacheApostles' CreedNicene CreedChalcedon CreedChurch Fathers, Saints, and MysticsThe Martyrdom of PolycarpTertullian on HereticsJerome's Preface to the VulgateAugustine's ConfessionsTeresa of Avila on the Prayer of UnionProtestant Statements of FaithLutherans: Augsburg ConfessionAnglicans: 39 Articles of ReligionPresbyterians: Westminster ConfessionBaptists: First London Baptist Confession of FaithCongregationalists: Savoy Declaration of Faith and OrderAssemblies of God: Statement of Fundamental TruthsRecent Sectarian MovementsUnitarianism: William Ellery ChanningMormonism: Joseph SmithJehovah's Witnesses: Charles Taze RussellChristian Science: Mary Baker EddyNew Age Christianity: Levi H. DowlingGlossary, Further ReadingsCHAPTER 4 - ISLAMIntroductionQur'an: Muhammad in MeccaNight of PowerDivine JudgmentOpeningEvils of IdolatryEarly ProphetsResurrection of the DeadRevealed Qur'anQur'an: Muhammad in MedinaLawsTre

Fieser, James
James Fieser is an Assistant Professor of philosophy at the University of Tennessee at Martin. He received his Ph.D. from Purdue University’s Department of Philosophy (1983, 1986). He has published articles on the topics of the philosophy of religion, rights theory, environmental ethics, moral skepticism, David Hume, and Thomas Aquinas. He has created several World Wide Web sites in philosophy, including the Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy.

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