FINANCIAL ADVISORS SUCCESS MAN | Buch | 978-0-8144-3913-5 |

Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 73 mm x 102 mm, Gewicht: 2 g


Buch, Englisch, Format (B × H): 73 mm x 102 mm, Gewicht: 2 g

ISBN: 978-0-8144-3913-5



Weitere Infos & Material

Executive Summary ix Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Develop Your Differentiation Strategy 5 What Is Your Value? 11 What Is Your Differentiation? 24 Action Summary Develop Your Differentiation Strategy 35 Sample Unique Value Proposition 36 Chapter 2 Formal Book Segmentation 40 Why Analyze Your Book of Business? 40 The Value of Determining Your 80/20 42 How Segmentation Is Done 43 Action Summary Formal Book Segmentation 60 Chapter 3 The Client Loyalty Process 62 Asset Growth Starts with Client Retention 63 The Value of High-Quality Client Service 64 Getting Your Client to "Completely Satisfied" 67 Your Intake Process 70 Your Financial Planning Process 73 Your Risk Management Process 80 Your Investment Planning Process 82 Your Client Loyalty or Client Service Process 84 Value of Continuing Improvement in Client Loyalty 92 The Kano Model 93 The Future of Delight 95 Action Summary The Client Loyalty Process 98 Chapter 4 But What's the Cost of Loyalty? 102 Managing Your High-Quality Proactive Client Service System.It's About Time and Money 103 Primary FA Business Activities 104 Client Contact Plan 105 Contact Workload in Volume 105 Contact Workload in Time 107 Additional Client Service Time Commitments 107 Next Steps 108 Additional Guidance 109 Action Summary What's the Cost of Loyalty? 111 Chapter 5 Your Intake Process 113 Meeting One: Discovery 115 Meeting Two: Detailed Discussion of Financial and Related Status 125 Meeting Three: Detailed Discussion of the Prospect's Game Plan 127 Action Summary Your Intake Process 130 Chapter 6 Your Client Planning and Review Process 131 The Client Planning and Review Meeting Process 136 Additional Topics: General Monthly Check-in Call Discussion Topics 148 Action Summary Your Client Planning and Review Process 151 Chapter 7 Your Business Plan 152 Prelude 152 Purpose of Your Business Plan 155 The Business Plan 158 Developing Your Value Proposition 159 Business Foundations 162 Goal Planning 165 Focus Areas: Marketing and Sales Strategies and Tactics 166 Focus Areas: Service Strategies and Tactics 173 Focus Area: Operations 173 Model Week/Time Blocking 173 Action Summary Your Business Plan 179 Chapter 8 Metrics: Daily Game Plan 180 The Qualitative Approach 181 The Quantitative Approach 182 Daily Time Log 187 The Six Most Important Things 187 Action Summary Metrics: Daily Game Plan 189 Chapter 9 Business Development 190 Introduction to Business Development 190 Client Introductions for Business Development 194 Client Acquisition Through Introductions 200 Using the Principle of "Aided Recall" at Review Meetings 201 Introductions from Clients Using the LinkedIn Approach to Client Acquisition 210 Summary: Keys to "Client Engagement" 214 COI Marketing Strategy for Client Acquisition 215 Book of Life for Client Acquisition 236 Niche Marketing for Client Acquisition 239 Additional Marketing and Sales Approaches for Business Development 243 Action Summary Business Development 244 Chapter 10 The Benefits of Implementation 246 Action Summary The Benefits of Implementation 250 A Final Thought 251 Afterword 252 Notes 255 Index 267

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