Financial Inclusion in India | Buch | 978-93-327-0419-0 |

Buch, Englisch, 334 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Financial Inclusion in India

Issues, Opportunities and Challenges

Buch, Englisch, 334 Seiten, Hardback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

ISBN: 978-93-327-0419-0
Verlag: Academic Foundation

The Book comprises research papers. Part 1 discusses issues, challenges and opportunities. Part 2 focuses on the role and growing importance of banks, financial institutions, regulatory agencies and governments(s) in making financial inclusion a growth paradigm. Part 3 highlights the role of microfinance in financial inclusion. Jan Dhan Yojana, MGNREGA scheme and other issues are also covered.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- List of Tables, Figures and Boxes
- About the Editors/Contributors
- Preface
- Part: 1 Financial Inclusion: Issues, Challenges and Opportunities
- Financial Inclusion: The Indian Experience — K. Sridhar
- A Study on Financial Exclusion to Inclusion: India’s Experience — Preeti Vyas
- Financial Inclusion in India: Status and Challenges — J. Kiranmai and R.K. Mishra
- A Micro Study of the Financial Inclusion among the Chenchu Tribe — N. Vasanthi
- Financial Inclusion in Urban India — Pankaj Trivedi
- Financial Inclusion: Opportunities and Challenges for M-banking — P. Nagabrahmachari
- Achieving Financial Inclusion with IT Enabled Services: Opportunities and Challenges — Safia Binte Omer
- Financial Inclusion: Challenges and Issues — Rani Singh, R.C. Bhatnagar and Rajesh Verma
- The Long Road to Financial Inclusion — N. Sravanthi
- Financial Literacy: A Roadmap toAchieve Financial Inclusion — Aditya Shastri
- Financial Inclusion: The Road ahead — Tanushree Yadav, R.C. Bhatnagar and Rajesh Verma
- Part: 2 Financial Inclusion: Role of Banks, Financial Institutions, Regulatory Agencies and Others
- Role of Regional Rural Banks in Realising the Goal of Financial Inclusion — Manisha Raj
- Role of the Indian Regulators and Government in Expanding Financial Access to the Poor — Pankaj Baag and Vinay Kandpal
- Banking on Microfinance: A Study on SHG-Bank Linkage Programme in India — Prabhakar Nandru, Ameda Veeranna and Byram Anand
- Role of Non-Banking Financial Companies in Financial Inclusion — V. Uma Devi
- Financial Inclusion Indicators in Cooperative Banks in Punjab — Sanjeev Arora
- Financial Inclusion: A Review of Issues and Evidences — B. Madhuri Smitha
- Part: 3 Financial Inclusion: Role of Microfinance, Jan Dhan Yojana and Other Issues
- Development of Minorities through Microcredit: A Study across Three States of India — Shankar Chatterjee and N. Kalpalatha
- Role of Microfinancial Institutions in Rural Development: Opportunities and Challenges — Parwathalu Bandi
- Role of MGNREGS in Effective Implementation of Financial Inclusion in India — R.K. Mishra, S. Sreenivasa Murthy and M. Maschendar Goud
- Microfinance: Better-off Poor Women (Hanwada Mandal Mahabubnagar District): Issues and Challenges — Someshwar Bonakurthy
- A Preliminary Assessment of Pradhana Mantri Jan Dhan Yojana: A Comprehensive Financial Inclusion Drive — Thenmozhi T. and Sudalaimuthu S.
- A Study of Jan Dhan Yojana: A National Mission for Comprehensive Financial Inclusion — V. Yugandhar

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