Fleischer / Toy / Lee | Sonography in Obstetrics & Gynecology: Principles and Practice, Seventh Edition | Buch | 978-0-07-154772-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 1296 Seiten, Format (B × H): 223 mm x 287 mm, Gewicht: 3941 g

Fleischer / Toy / Lee

Sonography in Obstetrics & Gynecology: Principles and Practice, Seventh Edition

Principles and Practice

Buch, Englisch, 1296 Seiten, Format (B × H): 223 mm x 287 mm, Gewicht: 3941 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-154772-7
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

The most authoritative guide to sonography in obstetrics and gynecology—now in full colorCompanion website includes images, case studies, and more Written by radiologists and ob/gyns to provide a balanced perspective, this standard-setting guide is both a clinically relevant reference text and atlas—presented in full color for the first time. It expertly examines the full spectrum of disorders and conditions you’re likely to encounter in gynecologic and maternal-fetal care, supported throughout by more than 2,000 detailed sonographic illustrations. You’ll also find the latest procedures and diagnostic guidelines for the use of sonography in ob/gyn, including 3D and 4D image processing, transvaginal sonography, and color Dopler sonography. The book opens with general obstetric sonography, covering such pivotal topics as normal pelvic anatomy and fetal echocardiography, before moving into fetal anomalies and disorders. Risk assessment and therapy, including first trimester screening and amniocentesis, are explored in the next section, while the remaining parts of the book focus on maternal disorders, gynecological sonography, and the newest complementary imaging modalities. Features
- The most trusted, accessible compendium of sonography in obstetrics and gynecology for residents and practitioners, filled with precise illustrations that add clarity to the text’s content - All-inclusive coverage of everything from sonographic operating instruments and screening the fetal patient for syndromes and anomalies, to diagnosing the female patient for cysts, infertility, and incontinence - NEW! Full-color format to aid readability and ease of use - NEW! Up-to-date information on the significant advances made in three dimensional and even four-dimensional Doppler technology - NEW! Learning aids: a “key points” section in each chapter; skill-building clinical scenarios; a stronger focus on differential diagnosis; multiple visuals (figure, illustration, or table) on each page; and helpful chapter-opening summaries - NEW! Companion website filled with concept-clarifying images, video loops, case studies supplemented by Q&As, plus cutting-edge insights on a range of integral sonography topics - NEW! SI Units incorporated throughout
Fleischer / Toy / Lee Sonography in Obstetrics & Gynecology: Principles and Practice, Seventh Edition jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

1. Ultrasound Bioeffects and Safety: What the Practitioner Should Know
2. Normal Pelvic Anatomy as Depicted with Transvaginal Sonography
3. Transvaginal Sonography of Early Intrauterine Pregnancy
4. Transvaginal Sonography of Ectopic Pregnancy
5. Fetal Biometry
6. Prenatal Diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease
7. Placenta, Cord, and Membranes
8. Prenatal Diagnosis of Placenta Accreta
9. Fetal Growth Restriction
10. Doppler Velocimetry of the Uteroplacental Circulation
11. Doppler Interrogation of the Fetal Circulation
12. Color Doppler Sonography in Obstetrics
13. Sonography in Multiple Gestation
14. Fetal Anomalies: Overview
15. Prenatal Diagnosis of Cerebrospinal Anomalies
16. Fetal Neck and Chest Anomalies
17. Fetal Gastrointestinal Anomalies
18. The Fetal Genitourinary System
19. Fetal Skeletal Anomalies
20. Fetal Syndromes
21. Ultrasound Detection of Chromosomal Anomalies
22. First Trimester Screening
23. Fetal Biophysical Profile Score: Theoretical Considerations and Practical Application
24. Chorionic Villus Sampling
25. Amniocentesis
26. Fetal Blood Sampling
27. Fetal Therapy: Maternal Fetal Surgery and Percutaneous Ultrasound Guided Fetal Therapy Techniques for Congenital Anomalies
28. Sonographic Examination of the Uterine Cervix
29. Sonography of Trophoblastic Diseases
30. Postpartum Ultrasound
31. Sonographic Evaluation of Pelvic Masses with Transabdominal and/or Transvaginal Sonography
32. Color Doppler Sonography of Pelvic Masses
33. Sonographic Evaluation of Uterine Disorders
34. Transvaginal Sonography of Endometrial Disorders
35. Sonographic Techniques for Early Detection of Ovarian and Endometrial Cancers
36. Acute Pelvic Pain: Transvaginal and Doppler Evaluation
37. Transvaginal Sonography in Gynecologic Infertility
38. Sonohysterography and Sonohysterosalpingography
39. Guided Procedures Using Transvaginal, Transperineal, and Transrectal Sonography
40. Pelvic Floor Ultrasound
41. Breast Sonography
42. Breast Ultrasound
43. Volume Sonography: Core Concepts for Clinical Practice
44. Obstetrical Applications for 3D Ultrasonography
45. Fetal Cardiac Evaluation Using 3D and 4D Ultrasonography
46. Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Obstetrics
47. Three-Dimensional Volumetric Sonography in Gynecology
48. MRI of the Female Pelvis: Problem Solving Sonographic Uncertainties

Arthur C. Fleischer, M.D.
Professor of Radiology and Radiologic Sciences
Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Chief, Diagnostic Sonography
Vanderbilt University Medical Center
Nashville, TN
Eugene C. Toy, MD
Vice Chair of Academic Affairs and Residency Program Director
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
The Methodist Hospital-Houston
Associate Clinical Professor
Weill Cornell College of Medicine
Associate Clinical Professor and Clerkship Director
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
University of Texas Medical School at Houston
Houston, TX
Wesley Lee, MD
Division of Fetal Imaging
William Beaumont Hospital
Royal Oak, MI
Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Rochester, MI
Frank A. Manning, MD
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Montefiore Medical Center
Bronx, NY
Roberto J. Romero, MD
Chief, Perinatology Research Branch
Program Director for Obstetrics and Perinatology
Intramural Division, NICHD, NIH, DHHS
Bethesda, MD and Detroit, MI
Professor of Molecular Obstetrics and Genetics
Center for Molecular Medicine and Genetics
Wayne State University School of Medicine
Detroit, MI

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