Fleming | Evergreen: Cultivate the Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving | Buch | 978-0-8144-3443-7 | sack.de

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 63 mm x 93 mm


Evergreen: Cultivate the Enduring Customer Loyalty That Keeps Your Business Thriving

Buch, Englisch, 288 Seiten, Format (B × H): 63 mm x 93 mm

ISBN: 978-0-8144-3443-7
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Loyal customers are the beating heart of every great business. So why do so many companies act like adrenalin junkies, chasing after new customers at the expense of creating deeper, more profitable relationships with the ones they already have?Evergreen exposes the mad pursuit for what it is: a brief spike in metrics and an ongoing revenue drain, as one-time customers fail to return. A better solution is to shift resources from attracting new customers to engaging the base - the path to stable growth, season after season. The book’s entertaining stories and action steps reveal how anyone can: - Cultivate the 3Cs of evergreen companies: character, community, and content - Build loyalty programs that turn satisfied customers into enthusiastic advocates - Nurture profitable customers while pruning those who sap time and money - Inject authenticity into social media communications - Invert the expectations gap that can drive customers awayFrom Internet startups and mom-and-pop businesses to multinational giants, strong companies are rooted in customer retention. Evergreen helps anyone merge high-tech tools with the personal touch to forge lasting bonds and steady profits.
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Weitere Infos & Material

C O N T E N T S Foreword by Alan Weiss xi Acknowledgments xiii Introduction: Seeing the Forest for the Trees 1 Why I Wrote This Book 3 Who This Book Is For 5 Why You Should Read This Book 6 PA R T O N E Establishing Roots 1 Debunking the Myth: New Customers Will Not Save Your Business 11 The Allure of New Business Can Be Fatal 12 We're All Addicted to Sex--and What That Means for Your Business 14 The Latest Boardroom Buzzword: Customer-Centricity 17 The True Value of a Customer 19 Introducing the Evergreen Marketing Equilibrium 24 2 Surveying the Landscape: The Essential Components of an Evergreen Organization 29 Introducing the Three Cs 31 Orchestrating the Three Cs, So They Play in Harmony 36 3 Examining the Principle of Character: The Botany of Your Company 41 The Power of Telling a Good Story 42 Building the Character of Your Organization 44 Distinguishing Between Character and Caricature 47 Articulating the "Real You" 49 Creating Your Corporate Character 52 4 Examining the Principle of Community: Creating a Forest from a Single Seed 61 Why Should You Build a Community? 62 The Difference Between a Tribe and a Community 64 The CrossFit Community 68 Building Your Customer Community 72 5 Examining the Principle of Content: The Beauty of Having a Multitude of Branches 79 What, Exactly, Is "Content"? 80 Why Is Content So Important? 82 Evaluating the New Customer Experience 85 Knowing What Business You're In 88 Keeping Focused on Why You Do What You Do 89 Knowing When More Content Is Better--and When It's Not 90 The Evergreen Diagnostic 96 Going Beyond "the Transaction" 99 PA R T T WO Fostering Growth 6 Becoming Intimately Familiar with Your Customers: Getting Your Hands in the Soil 105 Why Customer Lifetime Value Is Broken--and How to Fix It 107 Creating Your Ideal Customer Archetypes 111 Communicating with Your Archetypes 118 Capitalizing on the Natural Synergy of Thoughtful Marketing 124 7 Getting Loyalty Programs Right: Building a Tree House and Letting Your Customers Climb to Reach It 127 Where Loyalty Lost Its Way 129 Developing (or Refining) Your Loyalty Program 135 Designing Your Customer Loyalty Action Plan 144 8 Articulating a New Approach to Customer Service: Tending to Your Garden (and Pulling Those Weeds!) 155 Giving Yourself Permission to Fire Bad Customers 157 Determining Which Customers You Should (and Shouldn't) Fire 159 A Commonsense Approach to Customer Service 164 Scrutinizing Your Company's Weak Spots 172 Why Authenticity Is Important 176 9 Gathering Customer Intelligence: Examining the Botany of Individual Leaves 181 Recognizing When Customers Leave Money on the Table 182 Choosing Your Data Collection Tools 184 Getting Your Customers' Information 187 Tracking (and Changing) Your Customers' Behavior 192 10 Bringing Back Lost Customers: Bringing Wilted Leaves Back to Life 203 Identifying When the Customer Relationship Is Over 205 Figuring Out Why Customers Leave in the First Place 208 Solving Your Customer Attrition Problems 212 Establishing Constant Contact 215 Building Effective Attrition Alarm Systems 217 Implementing Your Reactivation System 220 Managing Your Expectations About Reactivation 225 11 Bringing In New Customers: Creating Optimal Growing Conditions 227 Managing the Expectations Gap 229 Creating Customer Loyalty with the First Transaction 231 Onboarding New Customers 234 Communicating with the Customer After the Honeymoon Is Over 238 Preparing for a (Hopefully Insanely) Successful Promotion 243 Afterword: The End Is the Beginning 249 Notes 255 Index 261 About the Author 271

Noah Fleming is a strategic marketing expert and CEO of Fleming Consulting & Co. He has provided coaching and consulting services for thousands of business owners, executives, and individuals, and is an expert blogger for FastCompany and guest blogger for The Globe and Mail’s “Report on Business.”

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