Ruven Fleming, PhD (2016), University of Aberdeen, is an Assistant Professor of Energy Law. He is working at the Groningen Centre of Energy Law. His research interest is energy and environmental law, with a particular focus on `unconventional´ forms of energy production, hydrogen, renewable energy and energy investment and trade law.
Kaisa Huhta, LLD (2019), University of Eastern Finland, works at the UEF Law School as a senior lecturer in EU law. Her research focuses on EU energy law and, in particular, the evolving EU legal setting for electricity. She has published extensively in international journals and is the author of Capacity Mechanisms in EU Energy Law: Ensuring Security of Supply in the Energy Transition (2019).
Leonie Reins, PhD (2015), is an Assistant Professor at the Tilburg Institute for Law, Technology and Society (TILT) at Tilburg Law School. Prior to joining TILT, she worked as a PhD Candidate and then as a Post-Doctoral Researcher at KU Leuven (Belgium), as well as a Legal Advisor at a Brussels-based environmental law and policy consultancy.