Forstrom / Mackay / Pitt | Excellent English Level 1 Student Book and Workbook Pack L1 | Buch | 978-0-07-805198-2 |

Buch, Englisch, 0 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 282 mm, Gewicht: 934 g

Forstrom / Mackay / Pitt

Excellent English Level 1 Student Book and Workbook Pack L1

Language Skills For Success

Buch, Englisch, 0 Seiten, Format (B × H): 216 mm x 282 mm, Gewicht: 934 g

ISBN: 978-0-07-805198-2
Verlag: McGraw-Hill Education

Excellent English equips students with the grammar and skills they need to access community resources, while developing the foundation for long-term career and academic success.Excellent English is a four-level, standards-based series for English learners featuring a Grammar Picture Dictionary approach to vocabulary building and grammar acquisition. Unit lessons systematically build launguage and math skills around life-skill topics in an accessible and predictable sequence.This beginning level package includes the student book and an accompanying workbook.
Forstrom / Mackay / Pitt Excellent English Level 1 Student Book and Workbook Pack L1 jetzt bestellen!

Weitere Infos & Material

Unit 1: All About YouLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your Progress!Unit 2: PeopleLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your Progress!Unit 3: At SchoolLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your Progress!Unit 4: It’s About TimeLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your Progress!Unit 5: In the CommunityLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your Progress!Unit 6: ShoppingLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your ProgressUnit 7: Daily RoutinesLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your ProgressUnit 8: Let’s Eat!Lesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your ProgressUnit 9: Skills and WorkLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your ProgressUnit 10: Taking a TripLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your ProgressUnit 11: Health MattersLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your ProgressUnit 12: Planning AheadLesson 1: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 2: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 3: Listening and ConversationLesson 4: Grammar and VocabularyLesson 5: Grammar Practice PlusLesson 6: Apply Your KnowledgeLesson 7: Reading/WritingCareer ConnectionCheck Your ProgressAppendicesInformation Gap ActivityGrammar Reference GuideAudio ScriptVocabulary ListWORKBOOK Letters and Numbers Classroom Directions Grammar: Parts of SpeechUnit 1: All About YouUnit 2: PeopleUnit 3: At SchoolUnit 4: It’s About TimeUnit 5: In the CommunityUnit 6: ShoppingUnit 7: Daily RoutinesUnit 8: Let’s Eat!Unit 9: Skills and WorkUnit 10: Taking a TripUnit 11: Health MattersUnit 12: Planning AheadStudent Book/Workbook Correlation Table

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