Fourth Genre 24, no. 2 | Buch | 978-1-68430-174-4 |

Buch, Englisch, 252 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Reihe: Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction (Journal)

Fourth Genre 24, no. 2

Buch, Englisch, 252 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Reihe: Fourth Genre: Explorations in Nonfiction (Journal)

ISBN: 978-1-68430-174-4
Verlag: Michigan State University Press

In This Issue

Editors’ Note
Patrick Madden and Joey Franklin, “Carina, Carina”

Paula Carter, “Care”

Miriam Camitta, “Necessary for Life”

D. Dina Friedman, “Communication Lake”

J.D. Scrimgeour, “Unfinished Painting”

Sarah Gorham, “‘Perchoo,’ or the Music of Mourning”

Kristine Langley Mahler, “Home Trap”

Shiva Saboori, “Moman’s Secret Agenda”

Siobhan Harvey, “What We Remember, What We Forget: (Or: The Comfort of Confabulation)”

Rohini Harvey, “Press 4 for Emotional Support”

Joel Wachman, “Duck”

Jill McCabe Johnson, “You Hold the Hand”

James M. Hessler, “Ranch Life: The Knuckled Calf”

Laura J. Rose, “Rapture”

Jeff Weyant, “Sons of Telamon”

Gray Hilmerson, “My Mind Was a Military Sky”

Sarah Myers, “They Don’t Tell You”

Hannah White, “Renovations”

Madeleine Barowsky, “On Loving Clothes, and Preferring Not To”

Phillip Sterling, “Diving Lessons: A Memoir / The Critical Edition”

Collaborative Essay
David Carlin, Sophie Cunningham, Alvin Pang, and Jessica L. Wilkinson, “Essaying the Impasse”

Review Essays
Jennifer Brennock, “The Word ‘Mother’ Is a Verb” Nicole Chung, All You Can Ever Know
Megan Culhane Galbraith, The Guild of the Infant Saviour
Karen Pickell, An Adoptee Lexicon
Timothy J. Hillegonds, “On the Stories and Substance of Our Addictions” Anna Lembke, Dopamine Nation: Finding Balance in the Age of Indulgence
Gina Troisi, The Angle of Flickering Light: A Memoir
Hannah D. Markley, “Conversations as Vessels and Anchors” Brenda Miller and Julie Marie Wade, Telephone: essays in two voices
Amy Wright, Paper Concert: A Conversation in the Round
About the Contributors
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