Fox, Mark
After his own initial training at the University of Exeter (some time in the 1980’s), Mark took up a post as an Educational Psychologist in the West Midlands. He moved to work as an EP in Bromley and then to the Essex E.P.S and also began working as an academic tutor on the Educational Psychology training programme at the University of East London. He has since been Head of National Advisory and Assessment Services at SCOPE, where he developed integrated models of assessment, and services for people with complex disabilities. More recently he held the post of EP trainer at the Tavistock Clinic and University of Essex and in October 2009 he was appointed the Programme Director for Educational Psychology at UEL.
Martin, Peter
Clinical Interests Dr Martin qualified as a mental health nurse in 1983, his on-going clinical career spans 30 years within and with the UK National Health Service. Dr Martin's work within the clinical arena encompasses direct therapeutic intervention with service users, management of service provision within the NHS and educational interventions within a clinical and academic setting. More recently Dr Martin's clinical practice has focused on working with service users who have on-going and complex mental health needs.
Green, Gill
I am a Medical Sociologist and have been researching social aspects of long-term illness since the early 1990s conducting research with people living with a range of long term conditions. My most recent book 'The End of Stigma? Changes in the Social Experience of Long-Term Illness' was published by Routledge in 2009.
I am Director of the National Institute of Health Research Research Design Service for the East of England.