Fundamentals of Planning and Assessment for Libraries | Buch | 978-0-8389-4998-6 |

Buch, Englisch, 248 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Reihe: Fundamentals Series

Fundamentals of Planning and Assessment for Libraries

Buch, Englisch, 248 Seiten, Paperback, Format (B × H): 152 mm x 229 mm

Reihe: Fundamentals Series

ISBN: 978-0-8389-4998-6
Verlag: American Library Association

Melding theory with practice to make abstract concepts practical, this foundational book is the perfect tool for understanding the basic principles of planning and assessment, no matter your experience level.

The concepts of planning and assessment are intrinsically linked—and understanding them is essential for raising the library's profile and strengthening its position among stakeholders and the community. Even if you're an LIS student or are new to the profession, or if planning or assessment are not your primary areas of responsibility, you still have a role to play in the success of organizational efforts. Fleming-May has more than a decade of experience in planning and assessment initiatives and instruction, and Mays was her institution's first assessment librarian; their primer draws from theory, research, and their first-hand observations to illuminate such topics as - characteristics of bad planning strategy that can help to illustrate a better approach;
- reasons why using economic models, like ROI, fall short;
- how to mix the three types of planning;
- guidelines to ensure that assessment is meaningful and actionable;
- tips for creating effective surveys;
- emphasizing users' needs with a critical assessment framework;
- data analysis for surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observation;
- four questions to ask about audience level before you develop a report;
- a sample 3-year assessment plan that can be customized; and
- seven steps for developing a culture of ongoing assessment.
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Weitere Infos & Material

- Preface1 Introduction to Planning and Assessment
- 2 History of Planning/Assessment
- 3 Fundamentals of planning
- 4 Basic principles of assessment
- 5 Approaches to assessment
- 6 Collecting data: Principles
- 7 Collecting Direct Evidence
- 8 Collecting Indirect Evidence
- 9 Analyzing Data
- 10 Reporting and Presenting Data
- 11 Collaboration and Relationship ManagementAppendix A Glossary of Terms
- Appendix B Sample Library Assessment Plan
- Appendix C Sample Informed Consent Form
- Appendix D Sample Observation Template
- Appendix E Continuing Education and Professional Development
- Appendix F Assessment Librarian: Position Description Example

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